The man I now recognized as Rune’s step-father, Alvaro, knelt with a bright smile and flung his arms open wide as the twins crashed into them. Laughing, he picked one up in each arm and kissed their heads.
“I’m home, mis amores.”
His rich brown eyes were full of so much love as he looked down at his sons, and it bewildered me how a man who clearly adored both of his children could stand to be with a woman who was so cold to them.
Setting the boys back on their feet, he grabbed their hands and made his way over to where I stood. His expression was unreadable as he regarded me. “So, you must be Rune’s partner. What was your name? Brianna?”
Smiling politely, I corrected, “Bria. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Ah, Bria. Forgive me. I’m horrible with names.” He smiled, but unease settled in my stomach as the expression didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Mis hijos, why don’t you two go to your room? I’d like a moment alone with Bria.”
“Okay,” Greshim nodded and turned to look at me. “We’ll be right in there when you’re done.” He pointed toward their room before grabbing his brother’s hand and walking away. Alvaro fiddled with some flowers in a vase nearby until the twins’ door shut, leaving the two of us out in the hall.
Swallowing hard, I faced the beast of a man and waited. His physique did little to settle my nerves. Wide shoulders, a broad chest, arms the size of my thighs, and those eyes. Those chocolate brown eyes seemed to see right through me and into my very soul. They commanded attention, respect, and obedience. They also brewed a dark emotion within me, one that coated my insides in a grimy layer of fear.
Alvaro plucked a single red rose from the vase and twirled the stem, thorns and all, in his fingers. “Now that we’re alone,” he started, his deep voice paralyzing me. “I’ll be frank. I don’t know you, and therefore, I don’t trust you. What game are you playing?”
“Game? I’m not playing any game, sir. I’m here because—”
“Because you’re Rune’s chosen partner, yes. So I’ve heard. To be honest, I don’t care about your relationship. I don’t care who Rune ends up with, whether it’s some stranger like you or someone of standing my wife has picked out. What I do care about are my sons. They love their brother, and what happens to him affects them. So watch yourself, girl. If you do anything to hurt Rune that in turn affects my children, you’ll be answering to me, and trust me when I say, it will be long and painful.”
The red rose suddenly burst into flames, and when the blazing heat cleared, only the charred skeleton of a lifeless, colorless flower remained.
Alvaro leaned in close, his hot breath on my ear as he growled, “I’d be mindful while you’re here. You have many enemies in this house.”
With the final warning, he tucked the scorched rose into my hair and walked past me. I was rooted to the spot, my stomach in knots. The man who had first appeared so kind and gentle was anything but when it came to things that threatened what he cherished. I wasn’t sure why I was surprised considering that was how all Foxes were. Even so, being the target of that kind of hostility was bone-chilling and not a warning I’d take lightly.
Chapter Twelve
AFTER THE UNNERVING run-in with Alvaro, I hoped for some light-hearted fun with Newt and Greshim. Standing outside their bedroom, I knocked and waited.
“Come in,” Newt yelled from the other side.
As soon as I entered, the floor fell out from beneath my feet, and pain pierced my heart. Their room was a large space with two very different looks. On one half of the room was a small, white bed with a wooden table next to it that was barely big enough to house the lamp it supported. A desk sat against the wall, piled with books and papers. Next to it stood a bookshelf, full of books of all different genres and reading levels.
On the other half of the room was a full-size bed with a vibrant royal blue comforter. It had an impressive black nightstand beside it, piled with toys, a lamp, and notepads. At the foot of the bed was a trunk that appeared to be overflowing with toys.
I looked back and forth from the two different sides, and my heart sank as I realized what it meant. As if Myra’s favoritism of Greshim wasn’t obvious enough, she wanted it clearly laid out for them in their belongings. The distinction was meant to hurt Newt, to make him think he was somehow lesser than his twin. I couldn’t understand how a mother could do that, and for Alvaro to be as protective as he was, how could he allow this obvious mistreatment?
Greshim noticed where my attention had gone, and he said, “I hate it, too. I don’t like that Mother gives me so much while ignoring Newt.”
Newt turned to his twin. “You share your th-th-things, so it’s fine.”
Greshim’s brown eyes traced the monotone half of the room. “When I’m bigger and stronger, I’m going to give Newt everything Mother hasn’t.”
“G-G-Greshim,” Next snapped, his brow suddenly furrowing in annoyance. “Stop it. I d-d-don’t want your help. I can d-d-do those th-things m-myself.”
Newt spent every day being told he wasn’t good enough, wasn’t strong enough, wasn’t Fox enough. The one comfort and friend he had in all of that was Greshim, so to have Greshim insinuate those same ideas, even if they were coming from a good place, no doubt added another laceration to Newt’s self-worth—probably even more painful than when Myra berated him, because it came from Greshim.
“Hey, hey,” I said, kneeling down to place a hand on both boys’ shoulders. I passed a look between the two, each of whom kept his narrowed eyes on the other. “Newt, I don’t think your brother meant anything but love in saying that. And Greshim, I know you want to look out for your brother, but have faith in him, too. He’s strong. You both are.” I paused and smiled at the boys. “And you’re very lucky to have each other. A brother who loves you so much.”
Newt nibbled the corner of his mouth and swayed his shoulders as he begrudgingly said, “I g-guess I’m pretty lucky.”
Greshim looked up at me. “Do you have any brothers, Bria?”
I shook my head. “I don’t. But I’ve always wanted one. A brother to look out for me,” I said, giving Newt a pointed look. “One that would believe in me, even when I didn’t believe in myself.” I added while looking at Greshim. “What you guys have is special. Don’t lose that, okay?”
Greshim smiled and took Newt’s hand. “From now on, I’ll ask if you want my help. I know you don’t always need it, but if you ever do, I’ll always be here to give it.”