Everyone started to collect their things and move to their rooms. Rune stood gently with a sleeping Greshim tucked against him. He smiled down at me where Newt sat in my lap, his small head resting on my shoulder as he, hopefully, dreamed of nothing but wonderful adventures.

“Ardley,” Rune whispered. “Will you carry Newt for me?”

Ardley knelt in front of me with a sleepy grin before carefully plucking the boy from my hold.

Rune readjusted his grip of Greshim as he turned back to me. “I’m gonna go put them to bed. I’ll meet you in our room in a minute.”

After saying goodnight to everyone, I made my way back to the room. The large space seemed to swallow me in silence after laughing and talking with everyone. I hugged my arms around myself, trying to ignore the overwhelming urge to flee. I didn’t want to stay in this big room alone, so when I saw Rune’s things still present, I sent up a silent thanks that he would be here with me.

At the same time, though, my nerves skyrocketed when I pictured Rune and me, under the same sheets, our skin pressed flush against each other, his body right next to mine. I swallowed hard as my mind played out different scenarios for what could happen if we really did share a bed.

Taking a deep breath, I steeled my resolve. If he were truly staying in here, I’d be bold like before and not hide away from what I wanted.

I looked down at my flannel pajamas, which weren’t the sexiest thing in the world. Oh well. At least I’d showered earlier.

Chapter Seven

I’D JUST FINISHED turning down the bed when Rune walked into the room, locking the door behind him. My heart flared with excited nerves at the sound of the lock catching, and I gave Rune a questioning look.

Smirking, he said, “Despite my talk with them, I’m not confident that Newt and Greshim won’t burst in here at the crack of dawn. I thought you’d appreciate some undisturbed rest.”

Laughing, I plopped down on the edge of the bed. “They’re fine. I’m glad they like me. I was worried about that.”

“How could they not like you? You’re amazing.”

An uncontainable tug pulled up the corners of my lips, and a rush of warmth flooded my chest. Rune didn’t give compliments freely, yet this one was so direct. The clear adoration in his voice sent my hopes soaring.

He moved closer until he stood right in front of me. “I want to thank you.” There was a look glittering in his eyes and settled in the lines of his face. I realized as he spoke that it was respect.

I quirked a curious brow at him. “For what?”

“For being so good to Newt. Honestly, it means more than you’ll ever know. I hate not being here for him. I hate leaving him with a monster of a mother. So, I’m really thankful for all the kindness you’ve already shown him.”

“You don’t have to thank me, Rune. I love spending time with him. I love spending time with both boys. It’s like having two younger brothers, which is something I’ve always wanted.”

Chuckling in that deep rumble of his, he made his way over to his suitcase. “Let’s see if you still think that come tomorrow. I believe they’re wanting to give you a personal tour of the home.”

“Well, I look forward to it. I’m getting a VIP tour from two experts on the house. They’ll most definitely know all the great hiding spots, which I’m sure I’ll need eventually with your mother and Aidan lurking about.”

Recalling the twins and the way Newt mentioned Myra’s neglect, I nibbled on my lip and said, “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“If Myra is so awful to the twins, why doesn’t anyone do anything to get them away from her?”

Rune took a deep breath and ran a hand through his hair. “It’s a tough situation. Fox Fae are brutal in the way they raise their young. A lot of Canine Fae are. So when Fae see strict, almost abusive upbringings, no one bats an eye. If anything, they encourage such parenting, because it will mold strong and powerful Fae for our kind.”

My brow creased as I worked to understand why anyone, Fae or not, would appreciate parenting that belittled children or hurt them. I didn’t care if it made them into badass Fae. It was still wrong. Newt and Greshim were just kids.

“Have you ever thought about taking them away and giving them a better life?” I asked.

“Absolutely, but I know if I were to take them, the three of us would have to spend our lives constantly on the run. Myra would hunt us down, because she is obsessed with power, and she sees Greshim as the next in line for our family, following me. I wouldn’t want the boys always looking over their shoulders, afraid of the moment Myra shows up. It would be a death sentence for Newt and me. Since she has no use for Newt other than for manipulating others, she wouldn’t hesitate to kill him and return with Greshim. It’s safer for them to stay here. At least here, they’re both alive and well for the most part.

“The only way they could be taken from Myra without issue would probably be if their father, Alvaro, did it. I’m not close with the man, but I do know his children are his world. If he wanted to take them away, he’d most likely be far more successful than anyone else. He hasn’t made a move to do that, though, and I’m not sure if he plans to. He may not see an issue with the twins’ upbringing.”

My stomach bottomed out. It was so unfair. Newt and Greshim deserved better, but I also saw the risk that everyone would be taking if they tried to remove the boys. It was like having to pick between two evils—leave and never feel safe again while putting Newt’s life on the line, or stay and accept the occasional abuse.

Heart heavy, I whispered, “They’re really sweet boys.”