“Yeah, go ahead,” Bassel said with white-knuckled fists.

“I’m not stopping you.” Ardley crossed his arms over his chest.

“Engaged?” I gave a humorless laugh. “I’m not sure what gave you that impression, but you and I are far from engaged, Dax.”

“We are engaged,” Dax retorted. “Before you were even born, your parents decided we’d be married once you were old enough. Your parents, the King and Queen, decided this.”

I shot a pointed look at Dallas, who avoided my eye contact. She’d known about this but hadn’t told me. I recalled the night we’d had our talk where she’d told me the truth about who I was. She’d mentioned there was more to Dax and his story but said we’d talk about it later. Now I realized this was what she meant. Dax and I were engaged.

The fact that she’d kept something this big from me felt like a fresh cut, and what made the dagger sink deeper in my chest was that she’d done it while knowing my stance on both Dax and Rune.

Was I guilty of withholding pertinent information from my dear friends? Yes. But Dallas was my best friend. I hadn’t thought she’d ever keep something like this from me, but part of me also felt like I had no right to be hurt by the secret since I’d been harboring my own.

Forcing my hurt gaze away from Dallas, I studied Dax and the arrogant curve of his lips. Suddenly, all of his past behavior made so much more sense. His sudden interest in me, his possessiveness, his insistence on us being a couple. He knew we were practically halfway down the aisle, and he just assumed that included this distorted ownership of me.

Anger twisted my insides in a painful grip, and I finally found my words. “My parents aren’t here, Dax. I am. I’m future Queen, and I can promise you there will be no wedding between us. Consider our engagement off.”

Dax’s nostrils flared with barely contained rage. Eyes full of loathing flicked to Rune, and he snarled, “Yeah, and you wanna know why your parents aren’t here? It’s because of his kind. Fucking Foxes!”

“We’re here to train, right?” Rune asked, his voice dangerously calm. “Watch closely then, Bria.”

One second Rune was by my side, and the next, he was directly in front of Dax, smashing his fist into his face. Dax flew back from the force of the impact and rolled across the dirt a good ten feet.

Rune straightened with blood dripping from his unmarred knuckles. “That’s called a right hook, but you already knew that. Guess a demonstration wasn’t needed. Oops.”

Dax leapt to his feet with crimson dripping from his nose and smearing across his lips. “You fucking prick. You’re dead!”

Dax launched himself at Rune, who smiled as each fist lit with flames.

“Stop!” I screamed.

Panic skyrocketed through my limbs, and at the same time, a warm tingle spread. As Rune and Dax neared each other with a need for vengeance, I flung an arm out toward each of them. Instantly, water rushed from the creek bed and encased both men in their own watery prisons. I pulled the two far apart within their orbs and set them each with their group before releasing them from the water’s hold.

As soon as they were freed, I let go of the breath I’d been holding and braced my hands on my knees.

“That was amazing! You controlled the water perfectly!” Dallas cheered, running over to fling her arms around my neck.

Giving a half-hearted smile, I held onto her arm. “I have no idea how I did that.”

“Why the hell are you happy?” Dax fumed from where he got to his feet with a soggy sway. “He just attacked me!”

“You deserved it,” Rance said, his jaw hardening. “You have no authority, Dax. Not anymore. Stop acting like you do. If you don’t get your shit together and get along, I’ll beat your ass myself.”

While Rance, Dallas, and Imani dealt with Dax, I rushed back over to Rune where he stood wringing water out of his t-shirt amidst our friends.

“Rune, are you okay?” I asked.

He nodded, and when he met my eyes, I was relieved to find no hint of anger toward me. He grabbed his fox tail and shook the lingering water from the fur. “I’m fine. I just really hate that bastard. I’m sorry. I know you wanted this to be a chance for us to work together and get along. I’m ruining it.”

I quickly shook my head. “Dax was being a dick. As usual. Honestly, I’m glad you hit him, because it meant I didn’t have to.”

“Agreed,” Ardley said. “I wish someone would’ve shut him up sooner.”

“Why’d he even get to stay?” Avana asked, peeking at him over my shoulder where the Water Fae were a distance away, still arguing. “He clearly doesn’t want to be here.”

“Didn’t you hear?” Bassel asked sarcastically. “He’s ‘future King.’ Of course he gets to be here.”

“I’ll actually barf if we keep using Dax and King in the same sentence,” Akira said. His body shook with a repulsed tremor, and he quickly wrapped his arms around himself. “Could you imagine him leading a whole Kingdom of Fae?”