“Keep your head,” Bassel whispered as he moved in closer to us. “Don’t let these guys toy with you more than they already have.”

“What?” Dax fumed. “We’re all thinking it! And it’s not just any Land Fae. He’s a Fox.” Dax turned his narrowed eyes on me. “Fun fact, Bria. It was the son of a powerful Fox Fae family who killed your parents.”

In an instant, a tight grip strangled the air from my lungs. “What?”

“I’m gonna burn him alive,” Rune said between gritted teeth.

“Leave it alone, R,” Ardley whispered.

“Dax, knock it off,” Dallas snapped.

“Everyone knock it off!” I roared.

My mind scattered in a million different directions. Not only was this a shit show, but Dax’s casually tossed-out info was like a punch to the gut when I was already down and struggling to breathe. Now wasn’t the time for bombs like that to be dropped, especially by Dax.

Taking a deep breath, I tucked away the news to process later and said, “We’re all on the same side here. I get it. You guys have hated each other’s kind for years, but that ends now. It ends here. Because guess what? We’re all strangers here. Dallas doesn’t know Rune. Rune doesn’t know Rance. Rance doesn’t know Akira. No one here can pass judgment on the others, because you don’t know them for who they are as individuals. Stop letting your past dictate your present.”

Silence fell among everyone gathered. Across the space between our groups, Dallas beamed at me with pride, and slowly, the tension in the air untangled. Things were far from over. There was far too much history between the Fae for them to simply walk away, hand in hand, laughing and skipping through a field of fucking daises. But maybe they’d leave here thinking about trying to make it work, about a better future.

“Okay, I think now’s an okay time for the majority of us to bid farewell for the time being,” Dallas said as she turned to the group of Water Fae guards. “We can do more personal introductions later. Everyone except for Rance, Imani, and Dax, head back to base.”

The Water Fae bowed deeply at the waist. They all regarded me much the way they had when greeting me, kneeling and using formal titles, before making a swift exit through the trees.

When only our small groups were left, I released the breath I’d been holding and hung my head. “That was probably a disaster of a first impression.”

“You did amazing. You kept your head, not letting anything or anyone,” Imani said with a pointed look at Dax before continuing, “get to you.”

The remaining Water Fae drew closer.

“Also, allow me to formally introduce myself.” Imani bowed. “I’m Imani Washington. I’m the head of your Royal Guard, and one of the commanding officers for the Water Fae Army.”

Army. The word left a bitter taste in my mouth with all that it implied.

Clearing my throat, I smiled. “It’s really good to see you again, Imani. Please stand, though. None of you have to bow like that to me.”

Imani slowly straightened, glancing at Dallas. “But—”

Dallas placed a hand on Imani’s shoulder as she smiled at me. “Bria, you’re their Princess. Their leader. Bowing for royalty is a custom. It shows respect.”

I stiffened. “That’s not the kind of respect I want—people bowing to me. I don’t like that. I don’t want anyone bowing or curtsying or anything. Treat me as you would anyone else.”

Rance grinned from beside Dallas. “You’re our Princess. Treating you like any other person is impossible, but we can tone down on that formal crap. No problem.”


“So,” Dallas said as she bounced on her feet. “Who’s ready to get started on training?”

“If we’re actually going to be working together,” Dax started, “these guys need to understand who’s in charge. You’ll be taking orders from me and Bria if we’re really going to be on the same side.”

I curled my lip at Dax. “And why would they take orders from you?”

“Dax,” Dallas hissed in warning.

With a cocky twinkle in his eyes, Dax held his head high while addressing me. “Because I’ll soon be King of Water Fae, which makes me second in command. You and I are engaged. I look forward to our future together, wifey.”

My stomach instantly soured with disgust, and my jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”

“He’s dead. I’m gonna kill him,” Rune growled.