“Bria,” Dallas said with a bright smile. Her eyes briefly flicked to where my hand joined with Rune’s before finding my gaze again. “I’m glad you guys made it here okay.”

“Why? Were we not supposed to make it here okay?” Bassel asked, baring his liger canines.

I’d never heard Bassel so venomous. My eyes widened at the suspicion and anger so clearly embedded in his voice. I knew Bassel’s history with Water Fae was long ago, but clearly, the wounds were still raw and bleeding for him.

“She didn’t mean it like that,” Rance said as he stepped closer to Dallas and placed a supportive dark hand on the small of her back. “We’re just … happy that you all came out here. To meet us.” Rance looked like he was fighting a smirk as he added, “No need to get defensive, Kitty.”

“Call me Kitty one more time you piece of sh—”

“Bassel,” Avana said calmly, grabbing his arm with an iridescent hand to keep him in place. Her voice dropped for only our group to hear as she said, “Don’t. You’re better than this. Be calm.”

Bassel’s jaw ticked, and he opened and closed his clawed fists as he worked to take a deep breath.

“Well, this is off to a great start,” Rune mumbled. His gaze scanned the crowd of strangers gathered behind Dallas, and I could practically hear what he was thinking. This looked bad. Over a dozen Water Fae were gathered for what was supposed to be a simple training session with Dallas. It had red flags written all over it.

I squeezed Rune’s hand tighter and focused on Dallas. “I thought we were training. Why so many people?”

“Oh, they aren’t staying,” Dallas explained. “Everyone wanted to meet you officially since your lineage is out in the open now. These are some members of the Royal Guard. A lot of them have been around you your whole life, guarding you from a distance.”

“Your Highness,” several Fae called at once before dropping to a knee with their heads bowed and a hand pressed to their hearts.

I stared wide eyed and speechless.

“Well, that’s one way to greet someone,” Ardley said behind me.

“No kidding,” Akira whispered back.

Clearing my throat, I forced a smile. “Um, hi … everyone.”

“It’s an honor to be in your presence like this,” an older man said with a bright smile. His gray eyes skimmed over Rune and the others, and his wrinkled smile cracked slightly. “As well as all of your friends.”

“Oh, right,” I quickly said. “Let me introduce everyone.” I went down the line, ending on Rune.

“Yeah, Rune,” Dax said with narrowed green eyes. He crossed his arms and raised his chin in contempt. “The Fox. We all know him since, you know, he attacked me.”

“Dax,” Dallas hissed.

Hearing and seeing the haughty attitude of Dax after weeks of being rid of his presence was like stumbling on a piece of garbage that you thought you’d thrown out but hadn’t.

My ex and I had a rollercoaster of a relationship, with the most recent exchange ending in his trying to force his affections on me while I’d been battered from a fight with Jonah—the same night of said attack from Rune.

“Believe me,” Rune said with a bitter laugh. The gesture put his sharp canines on display, and I imagined his desire to use them was in full swing as he leveled his attention on Dax. “You deserved it. Even so, that was mere child’s play compared to the things I’d love to do to you.”

“Rune,” I chided.

So much hatred burned brightly in his gaze, but as soon as Rune’s eyes found mine, the fire settled to a simmer.

“It looks like our Princess took the saying, ‘keep your enemies close’ to a whole new level,” Dax deadpanned. “Real great of you, Bria. Sleeping with the enemy. We can tell whose side you’re on.”

“Dax!” The shouts came from Dallas, Rance, and Imani.

Rune’s grip on my hand tightened. “I’m gonna beat the shit out of him.”

“Rune,” I whispered. “Stop. You know how immature Dax is. Don’t let him get to you.”

Even if he did deserve a good ass beating.

Maybe even from me.