“She keeps the more alarming pieces in her private quarters, so you shouldn’t have to see anything too horrific while here,” Rune added, and my blood ran cold.
Before I could ask Rune to clarify, Edgar came around us to open the double doors, and my breath was stolen as I walked through the entrance with Rune. A large foyer greeted us, if you could even call it that. The Ashmoores’ whole house could fit in this entryway alone. A grand marble staircase was set in the middle of the room, leading up to the second floor. On either side of it were hallways that led deeper into the house. A door to my right was open, showcasing a massive dining room with a dark, wooden table that could seat at least twenty people. On the opposite side of that room was a door that appeared to lead into a formal sitting room.
Akira came up on the other side of me and frowned as he looked around. He nodded matter-of-factly and said, “I like our small house much better.”
In agreement, we shared a smile.
No one had time to make it more than a few steps past the door before a loud squeal sounded from near the stairs. I turned toward the sound just as a stunning girl rounded the banister. Her long black hair matched her fox ears perfectly, and it whipped behind her as she raced toward us. She wore a short, red dress that revealed far too much, and her chest bounced as she ran.
“Aidan?” Rune said, a frown instantly forming.
I swallowed hard and felt my stomach twist up in knots as she flung herself against him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and smiled up at him as her black-and-white fox tail swished behind her. My eyes widened when she leaned in with puckered lips, but before she could kiss him, Rune used his free hand to pry her off him and hold her back.
My blood boiled with an emotion I wasn’t familiar with, but it burned like an inferno.
Pushing her lush bottom lip out in a pout, she batted her brown doe eyes at him. “What’s wrong? You don’t want my welcome home kiss?” That’s when she seemed to notice me. Her eyes traced Rune’s hand, still joined with mine. She then trailed her gaze up my arm and over my face until we stared at each other. Narrowing her eyes, she curled her lip in a snarl. “Who are you?”
“Aidan,” Rune said, keeping his voice surprisingly calm. Meanwhile, I was buzzing with unspent anger. “This is my girlfriend, Bria.”
I tilted my head up with pride at the introduction.
She looked from him to me and back. “Girlfriend? Since when do you date?” She took me in from head to toe, her brow plunging in revulsion. She scoffed as she met my eyes again. “She isn’t even pretty. Why would you want to date garbage like that?”
“You did not just say that,” Akira said aghast.
Utterly speechless, I inhaled sharply. Never had I been so insulted, so embarrassed, so pissed. Who the hell did this girl think she was, speaking about me like that? I mean, my God, could she be any ruder?
I opened my mouth to say as much, but Rune beat me to it. “The only garbage I see is the person standing in front of me. Someone really ought to take out the trash around here.”
Rune gripped my hand tighter as he shoved past her. Her jaw fell open, and she stared after him. Akira laughed and skipped along next to me, and Marlow stuck his tongue out at her. She huffed in rage and glared at me again. Absolutely satisfied with the rejection she’d received, I smiled from ear to ear as she stalked down one of the halls near the stairs, her hands clenched in tight fists.
Rune looked at me apologetically. “Sorry about that. That was Aidan. She—”
“Is still obsessed with you,” Bassel finished. He patted Rune on the shoulder, as though to comfort him. “I thought you were going to make sure she knew you weren’t interested in meeting up again after the last time you two—” Bassel stopped and met my eyes. Clearing his throat, he rubbed at the back of his neck and looked away. “Never mind.”
Rune let out a deep sigh and glanced at Bassel. “I did make it clear. She knows it’s never happening.”
Avana scoffed. “Try telling that to your mother. It’s clear she’s the one who picked Aidan as your potential mate.”
Potential mate.
He and Aidan.
God, I’m gonna be sick for real this time.
My chest constricted under the viselike grip of jealousy. So Aidan was one of Rune’s previous partners just as I’d suspected. I knew Myra was going to have her pick of partner in mind, but I didn’t know that said person would actually be here where I’d have to meet her face to face.
The history between Aidan and Rune was clear. I hated it. I hated that he’d shared a bed with such a gorgeous woman. I hated that she knew him in ways I didn’t. But, most of all, I hated how jealous it made me. This burn in my chest, the sinking feeling in my gut. I hated feeling this way.
We all trudged further into the room like sloths crawling through molasses.
Rune nudged me gently with his elbow. He leaned in close, his brow furrowed. “Hey, I just want—”
We all looked up as a little boy ran down the steps toward us, and my heart instantly grew warm. Recognition sparked the memory of Rune gifting me with a family photo of him and his little brothers. This twin looked a bit different now than when the picture had been taken. His black hair was longer, and he had it up in a small ponytail. His ears seemed a tad bigger, too, standing taller on top of his head. He wore purple rimmed glasses and a pair of black dress pants with a white button-up shirt.
Rune’s entire body immediately brightened as he knelt down and held his arms open wide. The little boy squealed in delight as he wrapped his arms around Rune’s neck and hugged him tightly. His tail swished excitedly from side to side.