The way he looked at me, the glimmer of something raw and warm in those amber eyes brought the memory of last night rushing back, and heat gripped me in its horny clutches. While Rune and I had explored each other in a much more physical way, last night had also been about trust, openness, and honesty. Not only in our actions but in our words, too. For the first time, we’d both been completely vulnerable with how we felt. We’d finally said those words out loud.

I love you.

I didn’t know what our confessions meant for us. I didn’t know if they made us a couple officially, or if Rune’s meant he was just ready to give us a shot. But that was okay. We would have time to figure that out together.


Because today was the day my truth would come out.

Things were going to change, for better or worse. I just hoped how far we’d come and all we’d shared would be enough to convince him not to hate me.

Our group finally made it past the entrance, and excitement erupted inside me. The smell of pumpkin, cinnamon apple, fresh-fallen leaves, and fried foods wafted on the passing breeze. Kids giggled as they traversed the grounds, tugging their parents along. Up ahead, we joined the line to buy tickets and passes for all the activities.

After getting wrist-bands for unlimited games, we meandered through the long lane of stalls.

“Seeing as it’s your first time,” Rune started, squeezing my hand. “Why don’t you pick what we do?”

I scanned the bustle of the festival. It was nearly impossible to choose, so I decided it made the most sense to start at one end of the festival and work our way to the other.

“How about the corn maze?” I said. “We can work up an appetite for some of that food.”

The corners of his lips lifted. “Corn maze it is.”

The ten of us ventured over to the corn maze. Greshim bounced beside Rune as he awaited our turn to enter.

“I’m excited. I’ve never done a corn maze before,” I said.

“Really?” Greshim exclaimed. His wide eyes suddenly narrowed with mischief as he pondered something. “Should we have a little competition then?”

“A competition?” I laughed.

“Yeah! To see who can complete the maze the quickest.”

“I like that idea,” Rune said with a devious smirk. “Are we on teams?”

“Of course,” Greshim said, with a confident tilt to his chin. He crossed his arms and continued, “Me and Newt versus you and Bria.”

“I want in on this, too,” Ardley said, raising his hand.

“Count me out,” Marlow said with a quick shake of his head. “Mazes give me anxiety.”

“I’m with you, buddy,” Carlos said. “I get too overwhelmed too quickly.”

“Babe,” Bassel grumbled as Carlos left Bassel’s side to link arms with Marlow.

Carlos just laughed at Bassel’s disappointment and blew him a kiss.

“That makes it even then,” Ardley said. “The teams can be Rune and Bria, Newt and Greshim, Akira and Bassel, and me and Avana.”

“We’ll wait by the exit,” Marlow said with a sudden twinkle in his eye. “We can keep track of who wins and where everyone places.”

“This is going to be so fun!” Greshim cheered.

After a short wait, we entered the maze and were greeted by a large opening in the corn with six different paths to choose from.

“Alright, here’s the starting point,” Ardley said as everyone huddled close. “I’ll count down from three, and we’ll all go.”

Rune leaned in close to me and whispered, “You’re in charge. Pick a path when he says go.”