I glanced warily at Rune as he pulled an array of foods onto his plate. When he finished, he grabbed my plate and started piling it with the different fruits that were set out before him.
When he handed me my plate back, I looked sideways at him as though silently asking, Is this okay?
He gave me a subtle nod and set my plate down in front of me. I looked down at the colorful rainbow of fruits. Red strawberries and raspberries, green kiwi, and dark blackberries. They glistened in vibrant hues, looking fresh and delicious. My stomach instantly growled, and my mouth watered.
I looked up to see if anyone else was eating the fruit yet. I wanted to see how they ate it, so I would know what to do. Normally, I would use my hands for fruit, but I wasn’t sure if that was proper etiquette, which I knew Myra valued. I’d be damned if I got rejected yet again just because I didn’t eat some berries properly.
Sinopa plucked a strawberry from her plate with her fork.
I let out a relieved sigh as I picked up my own fork.
Just as I started to eat, Myra called, “Bria.”
I looked up at her, a viselike grip seizing my throat.
She cocked a curious brow as she questioned, “Why aren’t you having any of the meats? We have some of the finest meats in the country here.”
“Bria doesn’t eat a lot of meat,” Rune said, looking over at his mother. “She likes fruit more. Everyone has their preferences.”
“Is her tongue broken?” Myra asked calmly. “If not, I’d prefer Bria speak for herself.”
“Agreed,” Lilith started. “Plus, your mother went to all this trouble to prepare this food. It’s rude for her not to have any meat.”
Rune opened his mouth to respond, but I gently laid my hand on his arm. He looked at me, and I flashed him what I hoped was a reassuring smile. “It’s okay. Lilith is right. It’s rude of me not to eat what they prepared.”
I slowly looked over all my options. Right now, it wasn’t about putting on a good show for the sake of the relationship. It was about ensuring they didn’t suspect I was something other than Fox Fae. If they discovered I was anything else, they’d be furious, and I was pretty sure I’d end up exactly like that fish. I could eat some raw shit to live another day.
Unless it poisoned me.
Then it was a lose-lose situation.
Since I wasn’t sure if my being Water Fae protected me from food poisoning, I decided to look at it as if I were still human. I knew to stay away from the raw chicken, since that could seriously hurt me. I was pretty sure that I could eat the steak and be okay, but I wasn’t confident in my ability to keep a poker face upon tasting it. Bile rose into my throat at the thought of blood seeping out of the flesh with every chew, slowly filling my mouth.
I turned to the fish. I enjoyed sushi, so maybe it wouldn’t be so bad? I’d pretend it was nigiri while I ate it.
I had Marlow pass me some slices, and I stared at the milky white meat that sat next to all of my mouth-watering fruit.
Man. I really wish I could just eat the berries.
Rune watched me with a mask of ease, and I had to admit, I envied his ability to appear indifferent. I hoped that I could replicate it as I ate the fish. I swallowed hard, feeling everyone’s eyes on me.
Plucking the fish from my plate, I brought it up to my lips. A waft of the fish’s aroma hit me as I lifted it to my mouth, and I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from gagging. My elongated fingernails bit into my flesh as I tightened my hand into a fist under the table, hoping the sting would help me keep my composure. If the smell did this, I was horrified to see what I would do upon tasting it.
I readied myself to keep a straight face no matter the taste and opened my mouth. Suddenly, Rune grabbed my wrist. He pulled my hand toward him, angling the food in his direction. Before I could protest, he leaned forward and ate the fish off my fork.
My mouth hung open. I furrowed my brow at him as he gave me a mischievous grin. I yanked back my hand, picking up another piece of fish. I held my breath again, trying to conjure the same confidence I had before. The fork was nearly to my mouth again when Rune leaned over and ate the meat off of my fork once more.
Irritation pricked at my insides, and I couldn’t hold back my glare. “Rune,” I forced out between clenched teeth.
How was I going to prove anything to his family if he kept eating my proof? Everyone else looked between one another with raised eyebrows and, some, with frowns.
Ardley laughed and leaned across the table. He stole the remaining bit of fish off my plate before eating it himself. My stare was fixed on his amused grin while he chewed, and my anger became directed at both of them.
“Ardley!” Sinopa huffed. “Don’t steal other people’s food.”
“Sorry, Mother,” Ardley said with a devious glint in his eye. He passed that look between me and Rune before giving his mom a cheeky grin. “What can I say? I really love the fish.”
Myra glared at Rune and Ardley. Her voice was cold as she said, “Stop acting like children. If it isn’t a problem, which it shouldn’t be, you will let the girl eat her food.”