So close to becoming a real couple.
So close to exploring what it meant to love each other.
My chest ached with the lingering fear that I’d never get the chance to really be with Rune.
The water below churned, and it smacked into the poles with a ferocity that shook the boards beneath my feet. The vibration brought me back to my senses, and I quickly focused on the chaotic movements of the sea.
Frantic to calm the sea that I’d clearly stirred up, I fought to take a deep breath. Panic blossomed in my chest, which only seemed to fuel the rampant waters below. My mind didn’t stop racing, and before I knew it, a wave of water reached up toward me like a large arm stretching right out of the dark depths. I had to act quickly. Instead of wasting time trying to calm down, I decided to take action.
Keeping my arms close to me, I held my hands out toward the rising water and focused on the ripples. With the next breath I took, a buzz sparked in my hands. My heart suddenly beat in tandem with the push and pull of the waves. The water jerked as it fell under my control, and after it ceased its ascent and waited for my command, I took another steadying inhale.
“Lower and calm,” I ordered in a firm whisper.
Within an instant, the water fell back to the ocean with a loud crack, and after tossing around for a moment, it returned to its normal movements once more. I let out a sigh of relief and slumped against the railing again. A smile lit my face as I felt a rush of triumph. I knew right then that the sensation of connecting to the water would never get old. It was exhilarating, like the first drop on a roller coaster.
It made me feel powerful.
I stood there for a few more moments, still giddy from the success I’d had. Ready to face everyone again, I turned to make my way back inside. The lingering power high I felt dissipated as I froze in my tracks. A beautiful, dark-skinned waitress watched me from the other side of the deck. She had her notebook and pencil poised to take the order of the two patrons sitting before her, but her narrowed eyes were locked on me, oblivious to their food request.
I swallowed hard. I knew the water had not risen high enough for anyone but me to see, so the most she could’ve witnessed was me holding out my hands. While that would look weird, there could be so many explanations for why I did that. There was no reason for her to think anything of it, yet with the way suspicion seemed to be growing behind her eyes, I knew it was best to leave.
Offering a polite smile, I quickly strode back inside, praying that my growing worry was for nothing.
Chapter Six
BY THE TIME we made it back to Rune’s family home, we were all stuffed full of the delicious crab-and-lobster dinner. We were thankful no one was in the foyer when we got back, because we’d had enough run-ins tonight. Our group made it safely to our rooms without bumping into any of the fearsome Foxes.
“Should we all get settled into our PJs then maybe hang out in mine and Bassel’s room?” Akira asked as we congregated in the hallway outside our rooms. “Maybe we can watch some movies?”
“That sounds great,” I said.
Avana nudged me and leaned in close to whisper, “Should I sneak downstairs and grab some wine? We can have girl talk.”
I giggled, finding the idea so tempting right now. Akira bounced over to us and leaned in. “Whatever you two are cooking up over here, I’d better be involved.”
Laughing, I looped my arm through his. “PJs. Wine. Gossip.”
“Um, yes please. Meet up in thirty minutes?” Akira asked.
We agreed then parted ways for our respective bedrooms with Rune following me into ours. The door clicked shut behind him, and I turned as he made his way over to me. Tension polluted the air between us, but I wasn’t sure of its source. Maybe it was the lingering sting of his rejection, maybe it was the frustration from our rude dinner guest, maybe it was suddenly being alone together in the same room. Or maybe it was all those things mixed into one.
“Are you okay?” Rune asked, his voice like sudden thunder in the silence.
I sank down on the edge of the bed and folded my hands in my lap. “I’m fine. Embarrassed. A little frustrated. But I’m fine. How about you?”
He ran a hand through his long, white hair and let out a sigh. “I’m pissed, to be completely honest. Aidan and her friends have always been prone to starting needless fights. I’m sorry about Talia and even Aidan. I knew my mother was going to play matchmaker, but I didn’t expect her to have that potential partner stay here.”
So many questions warred on the tip of my tongue. How long ago had he and Aidan last seen each other? How many times had they slept together? Each question was like a fresh sting against my skin, and they were all spurred by jealousy—something I didn’t want to feel. I didn’t want to play into that game and demand answers that I had no right to. I didn’t want to let Aidan or her friends get under my skin more than they already had.
Meeting his eyes, I smirked. “Do you think Talia will let Aidan know what I said?”
Rune sighed and flopped down on the bed next to me. “Probably. Talia loves drama. She’s addicted to starting shit if you couldn’t tell.”
I leaned back on my hands and groaned. “Great. She sounds real nice.”
“What Talia said was wrong, you know. Aidan isn’t better than you.”
I gave him a half-hearted smile. “I think that was regarding my abilities in the bedroom, not my character.”