Page 109 of Whispers of the Water

“Please tell me you’re not actually bringing that with you.”

I whipped around to find Dallas frowning at Rune’s painting. She’d just come back into the room, phone still in hand.

I glanced at the canvas. “Of course I am.”

She rolled her eyes and mumbled, “You’re too nice.”

Ignoring her comment, I asked, “So what happened? Did you find out if it was Dax?”

“I was verifying everyone’s whereabouts for the night your powers awakened. The only one unaccounted for was Dax. I’ve called for a meeting with everyone under the pretense that we’re discussing the strategy for getting you to the palace, but really, we’ll be arresting Dax for treason.”

I swallowed hard. The words “arrest” and “treason” echoed in my head. They were heavy words with grave meanings, and I felt the room spinning under the weight of Dax’s actions. Dax, the guy I’d spent my teen years crushing on, the guy I’d just spent a 17 hour car ride with. This was real. Dax was really behind what happened to me, and he was going to face dire consequences.

“You can wait here if you want,” Dallas suggested. “I’m sure going to watch this confrontation is the last thing you want.”

Did I want to go? Dax would no doubt put up a fight. I wasn’t fond of conflict or watching violence.

Despite this, I found myself saying, “I want to go.”

Dallas’s eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t have to. Really. Everything will be—”

“I want to go. If Dax was really behind this, I want to know why. I want answers.”

Slowly, she smiled at me, pride filling her green eyes. “Okay then. Let’s go bust a traitor.”

Chapter Thirty-Seven

DALLAS AND I made our way to the meeting spot, and to make the traitor sweat, I decided at the last minute to change the gathering location. Instead of meeting at the team’s hideout, we’d be getting together at my creek.

I watched everyone as they filed into the clearing, standing in a half-circle around Dallas and me. Dax followed Rance and Imani into the group as they arrived last, just like Dallas and I had wanted. We had Rance and Imani wait an extra few minutes so that the dozen or so gathered eyes would be on their party. In other words, all eyes would be on Dax.

Dax’s eyes tightened a fraction as he joined everyone, and while others made brief small talk amongst themselves, Dax remained uncharacteristically quiet, his eyes continuously glancing at where I stood.

The very spot in which Jonah had died.

“I’m glad everyone made it,” Dallas started.

The group hushed as attention turned to us, but the only gaze I could seem to hone in on was my would-be killer. The man who’d been feeding me lies.

Lies about believing we were meant to be.

Lies about being on my side as part of this team.


“This is our first meeting with our Princess, your future Queen, present,” Dallas continued. “I believe she’d like to lead this meeting today.”

The anger and betrayal simmering in my gut fueled me with a certain kind of confidence. Even with all eyes on me, I found myself steady, focused, and sure as I raised my head higher and started forward.

“Hello everyone. It’s wonderful to finally have this moment where we can gather openly as a group, although, I do wish it were under better circumstances.”

A few passed confused glances between each other. Dax’s brow furrowed as he studied my slow prowl forward. Rance and Imani inched back minutely on either side of Dax, preparing for what they knew was coming.

Forcing a smile, I passed a look over the gathered party. “Do you know where you are right now?”

“This is the creek you often frequented,” a bright-eyed girl said from within the circle.

I nodded. “That’s right. Forgive me. I don’t think I know your name, yet.”