Confused, I cocked an eyebrow at him. “It is. Why?”
“Then at least let me help you get up the stairs. I don’t trust you not to fall in your condition.”
Narrowing my eyes, I pointed an accusatory finger at him. “You’re acting like you don’t want to leave me.”
He scoffed and turned off the car. He got out and came around to my door. Opening it, he held out his hand for me. “Fine. Maybe I don’t want to leave you yet. But it isn’t because of some deeper meaning. Like I said, I just don’t trust you to walk up a flight of stairs on your own.”
Laughing, I said, “Three. It’s actually three flights of stairs.”
He didn’t hear me. He was looking around the building, his eyes searching for something. I realized then that he was genuinely worried, and I felt a bit guilty for trying to joke about it.
Walking to the dorm with him by my side, I kept my tone gentle as I said, “Nothing is going to happen, Rune.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked, and his eyes narrowed into thin slits. “I didn’t think anything was going to happen the other night, either. Look how that turned out. I’m not making that mistake again.”
We walked through the glass doors. The stone steps were directly ahead, and we carefully made our way up them together. He held onto one of my arms in guidance, while I used the other to grip the railing. I was suddenly glad he’d decided to help. The stairs were a painful bitch.
Glancing in his direction, I finally said, “It wasn’t your fault.”
He looked at me briefly but wouldn’t meet my eyes. Guilt was like a poison, infecting the usual carefree glimmer in his eye. He didn’t deserve to feel that way. There was nothing he could’ve done to prevent what happened that night.
Finally, we made it to my floor, and after a short walk down the hallway, we were there. I glanced at Rune and unlocked my door. When it was open, I walked in with Rune right behind me.
Dallas’s bed was empty. I let out a relieved sigh.
“Since I made it in safely, you’re okay to go now,” I said, turning back to look at him.
As soon as I saw his face, I froze. He stared away from me with his mouth slightly agape. His eyes were wide with a mixture of bewilderment and fascination. I followed his gaze to see what had him so speechless. It was his painting, which was hung proudly above my bed.
I looked from him to the painting, then back. “Rune? What’s wrong?”
His eyes remained transfixed to the canvas, and he raised his finger to point at it. “Why-why did you hang it up?”
I laughed and went over to my closet. I bent down to grab the large suitcase that rested at the bottom. “What do you mean, why? I told you I loved it. I wasn’t lying when I said that to you.”
He looked over at me, suddenly confused. “Why? It looks like a kid painted it.”
I smiled and walked closer to the picture. My eyes traced every inch of it, remembering the way he had leaned so close, trying to be as slow and careful as possible. “You may see something that looks childlike, but I see something that someone important to me put their all into, working harder than anyone else in that room. I see a precious memory with someone special.”
I swallowed hard, my gaze trained on my suitcase now. I had gotten so lost in his painting that the words left my mouth before I could stop them. He was important to me. He was special. He was most definitely already aware of my feelings for him, but neither of us had verbalized it like that before.
I glanced over at him, trying to gauge what he thought about what I’d said. He was still standing by the door, but he was finally looking at me, his amber eyes searching mine. I couldn’t hold his gaze for long, because I was so embarrassed by what I’d said.
I cleared my throat and blurted, “All right, well, I have to change and pack. You can probably go now. Like I said before, I’m fine and need to do some stuff. I’ll see you later tonight.”
He looked at the door, then back at me. I couldn’t actually look him in the eye, but I saw him nod. He left without another word, leaving me standing alone with my thoughts. I wanted to collapse. So much was going on inside my head. Nervousness. Excitement. Terror. Determined restlessness. Euphoria. It was all so much piled on top of everything else. I didn’t understand how to sort it all out, so I was thankful to have some time to myself, even if that time proved to be pointless. I was no closer to understanding the new world I found myself in, or my own feelings.
Chapter Thirty-Five
IT WAS TIME to get down to business. I had to pack my suitcase for the trip, as well as a duffle bag for Rune’s house this week. The duffle bag was easy since I could wear all my comfy t-shirts and leggings. Throw in some panties, socks, toiletries, and violà. It was the bag for the trip that I had to really think about.
I went through my closet and dresser, thoughtfully picking clothes I hoped would work. As I was digging around, I found a large pink and black Victoria Secret bag at the bottom of the closet. I slowly pulled it out to re-examine its contents, which I hadn’t seen since Dallas first gave it to me after Dax and I got together.
Inside was a black lace thong and a matching bra. She’d bought it since I didn’t own any “sexy” panties or bras. I’d told her I didn’t plan on needing them anytime soon, but now for some reason, knowing that I was going to be in the same house as Rune for two whole weeks had me wanting to bring the set.
I looked from the bag of seduction to the open suitcase. I felt silly for even considering taking the two garments, yet my feet moved on their own, guiding me to the suitcase. My stomach twisted with excited nerves as I pictured what I would need them for. My exposed skin teasing Rune with only two black coverings concealing the most intimate parts of me. His naked body pressed against mine. Dallas would have a fit if she knew I was packing them.
Ah. Dallas. My heart pinched tightly, but I quickly shook off my emotions.