He let out an annoyed grunt, leaning his forearms on his knees. “Jonah. He’s kind of a recluse among the Fae. Keeps to himself usually, and he isn’t against doing shady stuff. Why would he come after you?”
I shrugged. “That’s what I want to know. He said someone told him I was ignorant of Fae, and he was tasked with getting rid of me. Whatever the hell that means. Do you think he has me confused with someone else? I mean, I’m clearly not a part of this world unless you count my helping you out, so why would he need to get rid of me?”
His head tipped back, and he stared at the ceiling as he worked through something in his head. This Jonah guy had to be mistaken. Unless it was a way to keep me quiet since I knew about Fae, but even if that was the case, he’d gone into this thinking I was oblivious to Fae. So that still posed the question of what could he possibly want in coming after me?
Rune met my eyes again. “It doesn’t make sense, but then again, neither does you having the same magical aura as a Fae. I’ll have some people look into Jonah and see what his deal is. Until then, don’t go anywhere by yourself in the dark. Bat Fae use it and shadows to travel. He can blend in with it and manipulate it to his advantage.”
I swallowed hard. My simple life was becoming more and more screwed up with each passing day. I had so many questions, and it was moments like this when I really felt the absence of my parents. Most people could seek solace in their moms and dads when faced with trying issues, but that wasn’t an option for me. Instead, I was left feeling overwhelmed and wondering if things would ever go back to normal.
Chapter Twenty-Five
FRIDAY’S ART CLASS was a good distraction from the week’s earlier events, because it was the day we got back our clay pieces. I needed it after all the stress. Dallas had been so excited about the possibility of my sleeping with Rune that she didn’t notice the funk I was in all week. I was glad for this because I didn’t know how to tell her about Fae.
By the time class was winding down, my mind buzzed with the anticipation of seeing my creation. Professor Lichen hadn’t let any of us see our projects after she fired them, but instead, went straight to grading the pieces. I crossed my fingers that mine turned out the way I’d wanted it.
“I was very impressed by your mug, Bria,” Professor Lichen said, coming up behind me. “I could tell you put a lot of thought and care into making it, especially the fox. He looked absolutely incredible! I felt like I was actually looking into the fiery eyes of the creature!”
I smiled at her before finding my mug on the previously covered table in the back of the room. It had turned out even better than what I’d pictured. The blue around the mug was vibrant and the exact shade of Persian blue I’d envisioned. The black and white fox stood out in bright contrast against the color, too. You could see each strand of fur I’d etched into the fox, and the texture helped to bring the vision to life. The thing I loved most was the eyes. The vivid amber orbs shone as though embers blazed wildly within them.
“Are foxes your favorite animal?” Professor Lichen asked.
I paused as I weighed the question. I was crazy about Rune, who was a fox, and I felt a strong bond with the one I’d met at the creek those few times. I hadn’t given it much thought until now, but I nodded and replied, “I’d say so.”
I accepted my A with a grateful heart and went to leave, but not before Professor Lichen asked if I’d made up my mind about Italy. I told her it wasn’t set in stone yet, but things were looking good in that department. She reminded me to have the money to her no later than November first with the paperwork, and I promised I would. The trip to Rune’s hometown was the third week of October, which would put me really close to the deadline. But I’d still have it to her before the first, which was all that mattered. All I had to do was keep with the plan.
My mind had been so distracted by the mug and Professor Lichen, I never had time to think about my plans with Rune for that night. While in my following classes, my mind drifted off, trying to come up with possible scenarios for this evening. My readiness to be with him again made the day trail on at a snail’s pace.
By the time my last class ended, I bounded out of my desk. I was eager to get ready for this evening, but I hesitated. How would I know what to wear? I had no clue what we were doing.
Dallas would probably have an answer, so I put a bit more pep in my step. When I got to our dorm room, she was busy getting ready for something, too. She wore a blue shirt with a tight, black miniskirt. Her high heels made her look even taller than normal, and her long red hair fell down her back as she leaned down to look in the mirror, applying her makeup.
She turned to smile at me when I came in. “Hey! You wanna come to a party with me tonight?”
I shook my head. “I’m going out with Rune. I actually wanted to ask you what I should wear because I have no idea what he has planned. He said it was a surprise.”
She looked at me with her face lighting up. “Wow! What a romantic gentleman. Rune’s such a better boyfriend than Dax ever was. I still can’t believe you actually wanted the painting he did, though.”
I looked at Rune’s painting, where it hung above my bed. I’d put it there after our night at The Paint Palace, despite Dallas’s arguments.
I shook my head at her. “Instead of making fun of his hard work, why don’t you help your best friend figure out what to wear?”
She sighed and flopped down onto the edge of her bed. She pursed her lips and looked at me from head to toe, taking in my leggings and hoodie I’d worn to class. She mumbled, “Well, definitely not that.”
I laughed and rolled my eyes. “I knew that much.”
She tossed her red curls over her shoulder. “Why don’t we go to one of the shopping outlets? We can buy you something cute to wear. I still have a few hours before I have to meet Rance for the party anyway. What time do you need to be ready?”
“He’s picking me up at 5, so if we run to that strip in town, we should have plenty of time.”
“Sweet!” Dallas sang. She hopped up and raced for the door, her purse flung over her shoulder. “Hurry up, slowpoke!”
Once we made it to the strip in town, we strolled along the sidewalk and peeked into boutiques for any signs of cute clothes.
“So,” Dallas started. “You guys came close to being intimate. Are you sure you didn’t do anything else?”
“I’m sure. I honestly have no idea what even happened there,” I said, thinking back on the events in his bedroom.
I hoped she couldn’t hear the disappointment in my voice as I answered her. It wasn’t that I was looking to do that stuff with him right now, but it did make me feel a bit dejected since he’d given that to other girls so easily, especially since it felt like there was something in his eyes every time he looked at me now.