I had all his attention.
I was the reason a fire blazed in his amber eyes.
I was what he wanted.
At least, I was right now.
Suddenly feeling exposed, I fought for something to say. “What do you think? Do I make a convincing Fox?”
He pursed his lips, studying my guise in the mirror. Pushing off the door, he came right up behind me. He was so close that the warmth from his body wrapped around me. It sent shivers running down my spine, and the urge to let myself drown in his warmth was hard to resist.
He cleared his throat and scratched at his chin. “Yeah. Looks good.”
He reached up and stroked behind my fox ear. I let out a gasp at the feel of his fingers brushing across the fur, still so shocked over the physical sensations coming through these foreign parts. He went rigid, and his eyes snapped back to mine through the mirror. Running his fangs over his lip, he shook his head as if to clear it of the need that suddenly clouded his gaze.
He turned back to the ears atop my head with a cheeky grin. “I’m surprised you can feel. Avana’s pretty great at what she does.”
I cleared my throat and picked at the hem of my shirt, trying not to acknowledge how warm his touching my ear had made me grow in very sensitive areas. “It’s weird being able to feel that stuff. I kinda feel like I’ve grown a second head.”
He laughed, the sound deep and rich. He met my eyes in the mirror again. “No second head. Just a nice set of fox features.”
“So, do you think this will work then? No one should suspect I’m human?”
“They definitely shouldn’t suspect you’re human,” he mumbled, glancing down at my tail. His eyes lingered there, which made my face heat all over again.
The two of us, standing side by side in our Fae forms, was enough to make my heart and mind wander. We looked good together. Like, really good. It was easy to picture his arms wrapped around me, my hands intertwined with his, his lips on my skin. Part of me—the part that enjoyed us pretending we liked each other—wanted that. Wanted this to be real.
What a fool that part of me was.
I turned to face him. There were mere inches between us, and it would be so easy to close that distance. But I wouldn’t and neither would he.
“What will happen if they realize I’m a lie? What if they do figure out I’m human? And don’t sugar coat it. I need to know what I’m getting into.”
He was quiet for a moment, his amber eyes searching mine. When he found whatever he was looking for, he took a deep breath. “Humans aren’t supposed to know Fae exist.”
The unspoken meaning was clear. If they discovered I was human, I’d be dealt with.
Permanently and indefinitely.
The threat was like a weighted chain pulling me down. I trusted Rune and his ability to be there should anything happen, but that didn’t stop me from wondering what if. What if he couldn’t be there, or what if he was too late? My life could be in danger if I went through with this, but my life’s passion was also on the line.
Swallowing hard, I kept my determined eyes locked on his. “Then we’ll have to do a damn good job of convincing them otherwise.”
His lips lifted. “We will.” A ring of fire erupted around him, trailing his body and removing his fox features. “Let’s have Avana remove your transformation, and you and I can get started on some training.”
Instantly perking up, I said, “Yes, please! I’m beyond ready to get started.”
He turned to leave the bathroom but drew up short. Facing me again, he quirked a curious brow. “Actually, can you do something for me first?”
He turned to fully face me and spread his toned arms wide. “Punch me.”
I blinked. “Excuse me?”
“Punch me. And don’t hold back, either. Give it all you’ve got.”
Stunned, I recoiled from him and folded my arms. “Why would I punch you?”