I uncrossed my arms and quickly stood up, too. Even after all that, he was going to leave and waste my time? Frowning, I asked, “You’re still leaving?”
He gave me a cocky grin. “Does that sadden you? Were you hoping to spend even more time with me? As I explained, we aren’t actually a couple.”
My fingers dug into my palms, and my teeth ached from how hard I clenched them. “I know that! I just—”
I took a deep breath as reality started to finally hit me. He only wanted to meet me for this. A business deal. My dream in exchange for his freedom. But I also knew it didn’t start that way for him. It couldn’t have.
Holding his eyes, I said, “When you sat down at my table at the club, you didn’t know about Italy yet.”
“I didn’t, no.”
“So what was that? What was all the dancing and flirting before that?”
Silence stretched between us for a long moment. He held my eyes, and I could see him weighing how to say his next words.
Finally, he answered, “I enjoy being single and having a good time. Infer that how you like and fill in the blanks.”
My heart deflated. If my hopes for how this meeting would go hadn’t been tarnished before, they were completely shattered now. He’d initially approached me to be a hook up. His plans only changed after he realized he could use me for his plan—a plan that would let him continue the lifestyle he had. No wonder his friends had seemed shocked when he’d asked for my number. That was obviously something he never did.
Because he just hooked up.
The reality of our initial meeting was a sucker punch to the gut. In an instant, my anger fizzled out until all I felt was embarrassment. I’d been excited for today. I’d been optimistic that this interaction would go somewhere, and while it definitely was going somewhere, it was nothing like what I’d expected. What I’d wanted. I’d never felt so stupid.
Shaking my head, I bit the inside of my cheek to focus on the physical pain instead of the piercing ache in my heart. “I get it. Okay. Go. I don’t want to see your annoying face anyway.”
“Tomorrow then. We can text about the details. See you around, Bria.”
“Good riddance, Rune.”
I listened to his fading footfalls as he walked away. I slumped down in my seat and picked at the corner of the packet in front of me. A twinge of disappointment tugged at me beneath the humiliation, and I didn’t know why. What was I hoping for? A day with Rune? No, not anymore. He was a self-centered jerk. I was glad he was leaving after seeing what he was really like, so why was it that part of me wished he would turn around and come back?
It was probably the same part of me that thought there was some sort of decency in him, even after seeing his true colors today. I’d wanted to see that version of Rune. The one who smiled and apologized for bumping into a stranger. The one who liked dancing with me and holding me close. The one who came to my aid during the frightening robbery. But maybe that version had been a lie all along. Just a ruse to get me in his bed until he realized I could be used for something else.
It would be worth it though. It had to be. As soon as this was all over, I’d make my dream into a reality. There would be no more worrying about where I’d get the money for Italy because Rune was practically giving it to me on a silver platter. All I had to do was pretend. I could do this. I could push past the anger, disappointment, and my attraction to him for the sake of my future.
I tapped my finger on the table and decided to make the most of the day. I was at the mall after all, so I figured I could look around at the stores and perhaps gather some supplies to start on my fox painting. Maybe I’d even go to the creek to paint later, and hopefully, I’d find the fox there. It would be nice to see his face again and make sure he was still doing okay.
Preparing to stand, I looked across the mall, and instantly, the blood drained from my face. Up ahead, walking in my direction, was a group of four guys. Two of the men in the group made my blood run cold and my heart sink with a heavy dose of panic.
It was them.
Blake and Allen.
Chapter Eleven
AS SOON AS I realized who they were, Blake seemed to look in my direction. He stopped laughing and nudged Allen, who followed Blake’s gaze to me. When our eyes met, something dark and malicious overtook his expression. Allen patted the other two guys’ shoulders and pointed at me. All four of them stared at me now, and bile rose up in my throat.
They started walking in my direction, making me snap out of my trance. I quickly grabbed the packet and my bag before jumping to my feet. I turned and walked as fast as my legs would carry me toward the exit. My heart begged me to run, but if I did that, it would draw unwanted attention. Attention that would spark questions with an explanation I wasn’t sure how to give.
If I said these guys had tried robbing me, any passers-by would be too confused because they could clearly see that none of the boys were currently trying to rob me. I’d look crazy or paranoid to anyone here because they didn’t know what occurred nights ago.
I closed my eyes as the fear inside of me grew to new heights. Were they close? Were they still following me? I glanced over my shoulder. They were still on my trail, laughing at the thrill of the chase. I faced forward again and somehow forced my legs to move faster. I had to get out of here. I had to get to my car.
When I made it outside, there was hardly anyone in sight. Just endless rows of cars. I clutched my bag as I took off in the direction of my Altima, and I dug my phone out of my pocket. After one of the officers took my statement at the club, he’d given me his business card with his number, should I remember anything else. I dialed that number now, preparing to give him this new information. I dared a peek over my shoulder, and an icy chill traveled down my spine when I didn’t see the guys. Not knowing where they were was almost worse than knowing they were right behind me.
Reaching my car, I frantically dug around in my purse, looking for my keys. The first ring of the officer’s number sounded in my ear as my hand clasped the cold metal at the bottom of my bag, and a relieved laugh escaped me until hands went around my arms. A scream instantly built on my lips, but a hand was quick to cover my mouth. Allen threw me on the ground by my car, hiding us from the view of anyone who might be passing by. His friends were laughing and helping to hold my hands down on the pavement while Allen picked up my phone and ended the call.
Allen yanked me to a sitting position by the neck of my shirt. The curl of his lips hinted at his wicked intentions as he said, “Fancy running into you here. I’m glad we did.” He glanced at my phone again then met my gaze as his face fell into a serious scowl. “Snitch.”