Page 15 of Fire of the Fox

“Really? That’s awesome, and honestly, something I needed to hear. There’s a study abroad opportunity that one of my professors thinks I should get involved in, and I definitely want to.”

“But?” he prodded.

“But it’s five thousand dollars.”

He paused before giving a low whistle. “Damn. That’s pricey.”

“Tell me about it. Unless I win the lottery, that trip is probably out the window.”

He shrugged with something warm glittering in his eyes. “You never know. Maybe you’ll get the money somehow. I’ve heard if you say something confidently and put it out into the universe, it’s supposed to come true. It’s called manifesting or something like that.”

Laughing, I said, “Well then, universe, I am rich and have five thousand dollars on me right this second.”

“There you go. Now you just sit back and wait.”

“Your turn. What would you like to manifest into existence?”

He cocked a brow at me and leaned forward on the table. Those golden orbs held my gaze, and a heat smoldered in those depths as he watched me. His eyes traveled down from mine, over my throat, along the swells of my breasts, and back up. It was a slow prowl, one that almost felt like a physical touch. My heart pounded, and my core ached by the time he made it back to my gaze.

“I’m going to be back out there dancing with the beautiful girl in front of me.”

My heart leapt into my throat, and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my mouth. The universe didn’t need to manifest his wish. I could do that all on my own.

Getting to my feet, I held out my hand for him. He took it, and I led us back onto the dance floor. We passed Dallas and Rance on the way, and she beamed at me when she noticed us. I winked at her before turning to Rune.

As soon as I faced him, he pulled me close, wrapped my arms around his neck, and we danced. Our bodies pushed and pulled each other’s song after song after song. I was hot, breathless, and burning for the alluring man in front of me.

“You—” I panted. Our foreheads pressed together as we gyrated through another beat. “You’re a good dancer.”

He chuckled, and the deep sound vibrated against my body. The sensation didn’t help the burning need that had settled in my core.

“So are you,” he said, squeezing me tighter.

“I think I’m going to need a break after this one. My legs are going to give out.”

“Sure. Want me to get us drinks?”

“I’d love some water.”

“Water coming up.”

The song finished, so we made our way off the dance floor. He kept his hand on the small of my back as we weaved through the crowd, and the touch made my heart thunder. It was a simple enough gesture, one that probably wasn’t a big deal to a lot of people, but that small contact set off an explosion of fireworks in my stomach, lighting me up from the inside out.

“I’ll be right back,” I promised. “I’m gonna get some fresh air really fast.”

“I’ll be waiting,” Rune said.

I made my way outside. The cold night air kissed my skin, but I welcomed it. I was burning up from all the dancing. A retouch of deodorant wouldn’t hurt either, which was another reason I chose to make a quick trip outside. Having a few minutes to myself on my way to Dallas’ car gave me plenty of time to reflect on what the hell was happening, too.


My Cinnamon Roll.

He was incredible!

He was sexy as hell, and he seemed to be thoughtful and kind from the brief conversations we’d had both at the table and while dancing. I couldn’t lie. I was having the time of my life dancing, flirting, and laughing with him. It made me wonder if this could be the start of something new in my life. Nothing serious, just something exciting that provided the mind-numbing bliss I needed sometimes.

As I neared Dallas’ car with my head still in the clouds, a weight slammed hard into my back. I yelped and crashed into the grass. Pain shot down my knees and arms as I caught myself. Before I could process what had just happened, a hand came down on my shoulder and yanked me hard until I slammed into the tire now at my back.