I look over my shoulder at Vinny. His eyes are dark as he looks down at me. I’m the center of attention for the both of them.
A really great song comes on over the speakers and I move my hips a little, swaying side to side, and they move even closer, grinding with me.
Then we dance. It’s so provocative, a piece of paper couldn’t be slipped in between us. For the first time in my life I’m truly grateful I’m a very thick gal, because right now there’s plenty of me to go around.
Right now we’re blowing my small town wide open, but I don’t care. My eyes go to Trey, then behind me to Vinny. They turn me, and one takes my front and the other my back.
I can hear the whispers, see the camera flashes, but right now I don’t care.
My panties are ready to catch fire any second. With every touch I’m more and more gone for them.
Vinny is currently in front of me, my chest pressed against his upper stomach. He trails his fingers up my arm to my neck, to my jaw. “I’m going to kiss you,” he tells me.
Before I can give him the green light, he kisses me, his tongue snaking its way into my mouth, and I shiver, gripping his shirt and twisting it in my fingers.
His kiss is deep, passionate. His lips stroke me, sucking me deeper and deeper into the fog. Before I can think or move, I’m turned around to face Trey and he kisses me.
His kiss is the opposite of Vinny’s. His is rough, aggressive, claiming and oh so powerful. Vinny made my toes curl, Trey causes goosebumps to break out across every inch of my skin.
I gasp against Trey’s mouth, my eyes opening, and they connect with the guy that asked for my autograph earlier, and the group of men are all glaring at me.
I blush deeply at them seeing me make out with both guys. I’m not embarrassed because I’m attracted to the both of them, but I forgot everything around me and that is not a safe thing to do.
Vinny takes my hand and pulls me behind me, placing his body slightly in front of mine in a protective stance.
I touch the back of his cut. My heart is hurting from it pounding so fast in my chest. Trey closes the distance and moves in front of both of us.
It’s silent.
I can hear the fucking clock on the wall. Even the music is shut off.
Vinny reaches behind me and squeezes my arm in a reassuring way, but that doesn’t stop my nerves, because me and confrontation don’t mix.
Growing up, I avoided drama and any kind of trouble, but Jordan was the exact opposite. He loved when someone started shit because he could finish it. I would stay quiet in hopes that it would just go away.
Sweat beads at the back of my neck, my anxiety growing more and more the longer we all stand still.
I hear a stool move directly behind me and I look back just as a man runs straight for me. I gasp, taking a step back towards the guys.
It’s not him running towards us that scares me, it’s his face. He is disgusted. “You are fucking nasty! You are a whore, kissing two men and dancing like that!” he screams, and right as he reaches me, I’m lifted off my feet and put right between Vinny and Trey.
Vinny pushes the man back, hard. He falls back on his ass five feet away, “Get up and your ass is kicked, you stupid fucker,” Vinny growls, bending down slightly so he can see his face.
The guy doesn’t get up but continues to glare at us. I can’t believe they’re so angry like this, to the point they want to harm us.
All because we kissed.
“Let’s get out of here,” I suggest, and they both nod. Trey puts his hand on the small of mine and Vinny’s backs, making sure we go in front of him.
The second the door shuts behind us, I feel like I can breathe for the first time. I was so scared.
“What the fuck was that?” I mumble to myself.
“Let’s go to the Huddle House across the road until we can get an Uber or something,” Vinny suggests, and we hurry across the parking lot. I really hope we don’t come across those guys again.
I sigh with relief when we make it inside without a hitch. I scoot into the booth, with Trey beside me.