Both of the guys look at me like I’m looking at them. One of them grabs the wall like he’s going to collapse any minute. The other looks like a stiff wind could push him over any second.
I compose myself and flash them my best smile. “Lani,” I say by way of introduction.
Both of them jump at the sound of my voice like I shocked them. The shorter of the two steps forward, his beautiful blue eyes searching mine. “Nice to meet you, sweetheart. My name is Trey.” He smiles at me, showing his beautiful pearly white teeth. He takes ahold of my hand.
The other one takes my other hand. He has a full beard and his eyes are brown. “Very nice to meet you, love. My name is Vinny.”
I smile at both of them, fluttering my eyelashes just slightly. Both of them take a step closer to me and I lick my lips, loving every second of this.
“Food’s ready,” I tell everyone and turn around with a little extra oomph in my step, knowing their eyes are going to be glued to my ass.
I can hear them following close behind me. I cover my smile and sit down at the table. I don’t even bother trying to hide my excitement when both of them sit on either side of me.
Jordan and Alisha sit across from me. She looks around the dining room, taking everything in.
I study her and I can see that something has happened in her life. I can see it in her eyes; she has been through a lot. I know that with every part of me.
Vinny puts his arm over the back of my chair as he takes his first bite of food, and I watch intently, waiting to see his reaction. His head shoots over to look at me. “Fuck me, woman. Marry me,” he says between bites.
Trey nods his head in agreement, not even bothering to come up for air. This makes me happy. That’s one of the biggest reasons I love to cook, because if I can give anyone any kind of pleasure in their life, I am all for that.
I think it’s because I’ve struggled so long to find happiness in life, to have pleasure in doing anything, but I’ve found that in making others feel good. To make someone happy, to see a smile on their face and know I’m the reason for that? It’s priceless.
“Sure, but get done eating first,” I tell him with a completely straight face.
Trey and Vinny look at each other, grinning, before looking back at me, their gazes smothering. “You got it, sweetheart,” Trey tells me.
Why do I feel like they’re not joking?
Not that I would mind. Too bad I couldn’t marry them both. That’s every woman’s dream. So I refill their plates—one way to sneak your way into a man’s heart is through their stomach.
Vinny’s arm is still behind me, his finger every now and then touching my shoulder in the slightest gesture. Tingles move down my spine. Trey scoots a little closer to me, his thigh touching mine.
I am in such trouble.
* * *
We all decide to go to a bar tonight. I had to convince Jordan because he wanted to keep Alisha all to himself.
Once the dining room is clean, I yell into the kitchen, “Come on, girl, let’s go get ready!” I wait for Alisha to come out and she follows me up the stairs to my bedroom. I stole her bag from her and Jordan’s room across from mine.
We live around an hour from where Jordan is currently living, which is why they’re spending the night.
That means that Trey and Vinny are here under the same roof as me—it’s the small blessings in life.
Alisha puts her suitcase on the counter. “Let’s see what you have.” I open her bag and go through everything.
She’s such a beautiful girl, my hands are itching to play dress up with her. “It has to match my cut,” she says in a soft voice.
I smile. She’s going to be good for my brother. He has such a hard, dangerous life as a biker and he needs that light in his life.
But I also know she needs him. I can tell she’s been through hell and he will be that protector she needs.
I’m so happy for them.
I find a pair of jeans and a white shirt. “Ohh, let’s do jeans and a white V-neck.” I take them out, handing them to her.
I dress very similarly; mine is just hell of a lot tighter. I’ve grown to love my body. I was teased a lot growing up, but now those same dudes are the ones who are after this fat ass.