“Want to stop and get dinner at a restaurant in town before we head home?” Trey suggests, and I agree. I feel like spoiling myself tonight. I want a huge ribeye.
“Yes, I would like that.”
Vinny smiles, pushes my hair off my shoulder, and bends down, kissing the crook of my neck.
“Better stop or I can’t promise what I will do,” I whisper to Vinny, who is still kissing my neck.
He grips my face so I don’t try to pull away. “Hmm, do tell.” He slides his hand up my inner thigh, teasing me.
My face heats. Vinny chuckles and kisses my burning cheek. “Does my sweetheart need me?”
I nod. There’s no point in even trying to deny it. I am soaking wet for him, for both of them.
“Yes,” I moan, and he pushes our seats back so I’m leaning back, and he snakes his hand down the front of my leggings.
“Oh god,” I moan at the first swipe of his finger on my clit.
“She wet for you, Vinny?” Trey puts his hand over Vinny’s over my leggings.
“She’s soaked. I want to fucking taste you.” Vinny’s voice grows deeper as he moves his finger quicker, before sliding two fingers inside of me and using his thumb to press against my clit.
I grab ahold of his shoulder, the pleasure almost too much. I’m still sensitive from last night.
“I can feel you’re getting closer, you’re clenched so hard on my fingers.” He wiggles his fingers, hitting my G-spot, and I come hard.
I don’t even try to smother the noises coming out of my mouth. Vinny slides his hand from my pants and licks his fingers. “Fucking perfect.”
Treys hands shoots out, grabbing Vinny’s hand, and pulls it to his mouth, licking, sucking Vinny’s fingers.
I clench down hard, having another mini orgasm from that view alone. “I will taste you tonight, right from the source, baby.” Trey winks and I shiver, cuddling into Vinny’s side before falling right asleep.
* * *
A few hours later we manage to make it back to their house. We had a nice dinner together and we didn’t have any kind of craziness to deal with.
But it was probably because Trey had a talk with the manager before we were seated, and they put me right in the middle of them, on guard in case something went down.
“I texted my friend who owns a security business. He’s going to send someone out to your parents’ in an hour or so. They’ll introduce themselves to your parents once they’re there,” Trey tells me as he pulls into the front yard.
I lean over and hug him. “Thank you for taking care of that for me.” I kiss him on the cheek.
Trey helps me out of the truck and they both grab one of my bags each. Their garage door is open and I notice that they have a couple of side by sides. “We should go riding.”
They both stop dead in their tracks at my suggestion. I look at them in confusion. “What’s the matter? Do I have something on me? It’s not a spider, is it?” I can feel the fear starting to fill me. I look all over my clothes, trying to spot one.
They both start laughing, looking at each other incredulously. “Babe, we’re just shocked you want to go riding is all.”
I stop slapping myself and glare at them. “You could have told me that sooner! I was scared! Spiders are my worst fear.” I cringe at the thought of one being on me.
Vinny stops laughing and takes my hand, pulling me to his chest. “Aw, I’m sorry, baby.” He kisses the top of my head and all of my pouting disappears in an instant.
They unlock the house and I step inside. It’s got a white farmhouse-type vibe to it. It’s beautiful. “My mom decided that she wasn’t going to allow us to live in a house that looks like two guys live in it.” Trey shrugs.
“She babies both of us. She comes over weekly and makes cookies and puts them in a cookie jar,” Vinny teases, but I can see the adoration on his face.
I smile. That’s really sweet.
“That makes me happy that she accepts that you’re bisexual,” I tell Trey, sitting on the couch and stretching out.