“I’m incredibly sorry that happened,” I apologize, because I do feel responsible. It was me not signing that guy’s autograph that caused it all.
Trey looks at me in confusion and Vinny shakes his head at me. “Don’t apologize. Trey and I have gotten used to that kind of shit.”
I gnaw on my bottom lip. I’m not exactly sure what he means. Trey smiles slightly. “Babe, in case you haven’t figured it out yet, we’re bisexual.”
Ohhh, well, I figured that, but still…you don’t want to assume.
“I thought that was the case,” I admit and wink at the both of them.
“But we love women. Not going to fucking lie, we are together, but a woman is what fucking completes us.”
Gulp, that is not what I expected. Does he mean a threesome for a one-night stand? “Like a one-night stand?” I can’t help voicing my thoughts.
Vinny pushes my hair out of my face from across the table, “Angel, long term. We’re too fucking old for that one-night stand shit.”
Angel. I more than love him calling me angel.
“How old are you guys?” I ask. Trey sits back in his seat, relaxing his hand and burying it in my hair.
“We’re both thirty,” Vinny answers for the both of them. I close my eyes as Trey’s fingers work magic on my scalp, sending tingles all down my body.
“Fuck me,” Vinny says under his breath, and I open my eyes. His face shows his shock as he continues to look through all of my pictures.
I laugh and lean against the wall. Trey scoots closer and both of them scroll through my pictures.
“You have such a beautiful body, baby.” Trey’s hand leaves my hair, settling at the back of my neck.
“Thank you. It took a long time to fully accept who I am,” I admit, and it’s true. Growing up, it was hard being teased and bullied, then I grew into myself and I started to see that this is me and that’s all I can ever be.
“That’s beautiful.” Vinny smiles. His teeth are straight besides one small tooth on the left, which just makes him even cuter in my eyes. Vinny has a long beautiful beard and light brown hair. Trey has dark brown hair and scruff on his face, with light blue eyes. He’s very striking.
Both of them are beautiful. I’ve been in Los Angeles, surrounded by the world’s most beautiful people, but they don’t hold a candle to these men.
A lot of things we see in pictures are photoshopped. One thing I was very adamant about was that I wanted mine to be untouched. Young girls will see my pictures and I don’t want them to have unrealistic expectations.
“Thank you.” I smile sweetly at Vinny, scooting a little closer to Trey to look at the menu in front of him. The second I consume any kind of alcohol, I crave breakfast.
The waitress finally makes her way over. “What can I get you guys to drink?” She smiles at the three of us, her eyes staying on me longer than the guys.
Please just let me eat my food in peace.
Usually I have to call ahead to a restaurant to make sure I have a private table away from everyone else.
“Are you Lani, the model?” she asks, looking at me closer. Trey pushes me back into the seat to push me away from her.
“Yes,” I answer simply.
Her eyes widen. “I thought that was you. I’m a huge fan of yours! Mostly because of my daughter—she’s a plus size gal and she looks up to you.”
This is the kind of fan I love and adore! “It’s nice to meet you. If you want, I can sign something for you for her?” I suggest, and she hands me her server book and I find a new page.
“What’s her name?” I ask.
May all of your dreams come true. You’re absolutely perfect the way you are. Never forget that.
Love, Lani.