“Did you just bite me?” I screech and reach down, pinching his ass. He sets me down and I can’t resist looking into his eyes, seeing all of the beautiful happiness there.
I had a part in that being there, I realize, and that makes me so happy.
There is no way to stop myself. I split the distance and wrap my arms around his stomach, my eyes closed in bliss.
I pray to god that his family is going to be accepting today, that they treat him well. Both of these men are the kindest souls and they deserve all of the happiness in the world.
“What’s that for?” Vinny lifts my chin.
“You guys make me happy, that’s all.”
This is more than hooking up with the both of them. There is so much emotion with them and every single touch feels like my body is lit up and on fire.
Vinny kisses me, so sweetly, tenderly, and it touches a special part of my heart that I think is reserved for him.
He kisses my forehead in a final touch before I’m handed off to Trey, who kisses me with the same amount of passion, “You are the best thing to happen to the both of us, baby,” Trey tells me once he breaks the kiss.
Tears fill my eyes. This is the best moment of my life. Their words add to this contentment in my heart that I’ve never felt before.
I just met them, but it’s like I’ve always known them. Both of them wrap their arms around me and we stand together enjoying the moment.
* * *
Hours Later
We’re on the outskirts of town, driving towards the middle of nowhere. Trey is driving behind us and I’m behind Vinny, holding onto him tightly.
He’s nervous, so I spend the ride rubbing his chest, belly and thighs, trying to ease some of the nervousness.
Trey put me right on the back of Vinny’s bike. Trey is pissed off. He decided to drive his truck in case it was needed.
I truly hope Vinny’s family don’t hurt Vinny. The thought of them hurting him truly makes me sick to my stomach.
We slow down and pull into a long gravel driveway. The house comes into view and it’s completely stark white—no colors, no sign anyone even lives in it.
The vehicles in front of the house are old and black, nothing flashy. There’s absolutely no decoration around the house. I would honestly think it was abandoned if it didn’t have the cars in the front.
Vinny’s arms flex as he grips the handlebars tighter. I almost want to ask why he wanted to do this to himself if it stresses him out so.
But I know I would go back to see my siblings if I were in his shoes, but it hurts my heart because I can tell that he’s fighting his inner child.
We pull to a stop and I see two young girls’ faces in the window. I slide off the bike and take Vinny’s hand, and Trey gets out of the truck, moving to the other side of me, putting his arm behind my back and settling his hand on Vinny’s back.
We walk the short distance from the porch to the front door. I study Vinny’s face as he looks at the door. He looks haunted.
Vinny gathers his nerve and knocks on the door. A second later I can hear sounds coming from inside.
Then the door swings open, revealing who I guess is one of his sisters. She looks so much like Vinny with her beautiful eyes.
It’s the way she’s dressed, the fear in her eyes, that sets me on edge. She’s wearing a baggy gray dress that is hanging to her ankles. Her hair is in a braid down her back.
She looks at Vinny and her face pales before her eyes settle on his vest. Her eyes are glued to the devil symbol on it.
She looks behind her towards the back of the house. That’s when I hear a louder set of footsteps. An older man comes into view. I know instantly that this is Vinny’s dad, Charles.
Their eyes are the same, but Vinny has life inside of his. This man does not. I grip the back of Vinny’s shirt.
“Can I help you?” he asks, walking up to the door. He grabs the girl who answered the door and pushes her out of the way, almost knocking her to the ground.