Page 18 of Lani

Once I see them leave, I stumble inside of the house. My veins are like ice from the fear of what just happened and the unthinkable thought of what they had planned for me.

How can people be like this?

I sit down on the couch, putting my face in my hands, my elbows resting on my knees. I’m terrified.

I can hear my dad on the phone with Jordan. I feel three sets of hands on me, and I look up to see Trey in front of me, Vinny to one side and my mother on the other.

“Take my baby from here. She’s not safe. I read the contract; they planned to rape her. It’s a fucking slave contract.” My mom repeats what my dad already told us, but it just makes it more real to hear it again.

“We will keep her safe.” Vinny kisses my mom on the top of her head, and I lean over, hugging her tightly.

“Trey, Jordan is aware and he’s telling Kyle. He’s going to look into this shit. If this is happening, other girls without families to protect them might be suffering.” Dad looks so sad when he looks at me.

I stand up and run straight into his arms. “I love you so much, Daddy. I’m so sorry this is happening.” I cry into his chest.

“Stop that. If it wasn’t you, then it would be another girl. We have the means to keep you safe, angel. Don’t stress, okay?” He kisses the top of my head, soothing my fears.

I nod. “Okay.” He rubs my back, and I finally pull away, backing straight into Vinny’s arms.

“We’ll come visit you soon.” Mom smiles and snuggles into my dad’s side.

“Okay, Mom.” I smile back at her, drying my tears and putting this shit behind me.

Trey takes my bags, and Vinny doesn’t let me move away from him, keeping me pressed into his side.

They hurry, putting me inside of the truck. I’m put into the middle seat in the front. Vinny slides in beside me and holds my hand.

“Everything will be okay. We will end this shit if it’s the last thing we do.” He looks so sincere, but I can’t miss the pissed off look on his face.

“I believe you,” I tell them, and I do mean it. I can see how angry they are, but the thought of this happening to women who don’t have people to protect them, that’s what’s scary to me.

I lean over and rest my head on Vinny’s shoulder, exhausted. The sex last night was absolutely amazing and it lasted for hours, but this happening, my dad fighting and being scared out of my mind, is what has destroyed me emotionally.

“You don’t think they’ll come back and hurt my parents, right?” I can’t stand the thought of something like that happening to them.

“I can hire security to sit outside of your house if you want?” Trey offers, and I gnaw on my bottom lip. I know my dad wouldn’t like it, but it would make me feel better and I know my mom would appreciate it.

“Yes, I can hire someone. Do you have anyone in particular in mind?” I ask, feeling a little bit better.

Trey grins. “I’ll hire someone. I don’t want your money, love. I’ll take care of what’s mine.”

I sit up, staring at him. “There is no way I can ask you to do that, Trey!” I tell him, feeling touched and slightly annoyed. I’m not used to someone offering to pay for things for me.

Vinny laughs out loud. “Babe, I had the exact same argument as you guys right now. I am a man, a man who’s taken care of himself since he was a kid. Trey demanded that shit, we fought and fought, but then I realized that shit made him happy. So I let him.”

Okay, that’s really sweet.

“Fine, you win, Trey.”

His face softens at my words and he looks over at the both of us. “Nah, I think I’m the one who’s winning.” His hand closes over Vinny's, which is resting on my thigh.

My nose burns with unshed tears at the moment of vulnerability from him. Vinny slides his hand from under Trey’s and moves his arm behind my back, rubbing the back of Trey’s head.

I seriously love how much they care about each other. Vinny is a very strong man, I can see that, but I also see some demons in his eyes, and I think Trey protects him, allows him to feel vulnerable.

I’m sure many women would be put off that they love each other, but I also know that there’s plenty of room for me.

I don’t know why, but I feel like they’re going to be a huge part of my life. Everything I know is going to change.