But no, dear mother, not as friends. “I would say a little more than that.”
My dad’s face turns red. I didn’t mean sex, but I like them as more than friends. Oh well.
“Lani, that’s wrong!” Mom hisses and scoots to the edge of the couch, but I can see the smile turning up on her lips.
I laugh. “Whatever, Mom, you know I’m a lucky bitch. They’re both beautiful.” She pretends to glare at me before she starts laughing. Dad is just looking more and more horrified by the second.
“You’re right, I just had to bust your balls a little. Your dad and I raised you to be whoever you want and to do whatever you please. Even if that means starting your own harem. They’re beautiful enough.” She gets a wistful look on her face.
She’s correct. I’ve had the best parents growing up. Mom thought I was into girls for a while actually, but I just wasn't interested in boys until college.
One day I was in the grocery store with her and she saw a girl who she thought was pretty. She asked if I wanted her to get her number for me, and that’s when I knew I had an amazing mother.
That’s when my phone dings. It’s Vinny, letting me know that he’s close. “Is that one of them?” Mom asks and then busts out laughing.
My father, on the other hand, is still horrified at this news, so I walk over and hug him tightly. “I love you, Daddy, but I’m also doing this for my protection. I had some crazy fans try to attack me last night,” I admit to him in his ear just loud enough for him to hear and not Mom.
His face reddens in anger, “Why didn’t you tell me, Lani?” he says loudly, not even bothering to hide it from my mother.
I push my hair out of my face, “Dad, they hid me and were going to fight the whole mob. They protected me. Plus I’ll be close to Jordan and his MC,” I point out.
They’re pretty legit on the business side of things, but most of them are bad-ass motherfuckers who aren’t afraid to hurt anyone who steps out of line.
“You’re right, baby. I just can’t stand the thought of you getting hurt,” he confesses, showing emotions he doesn’t show very often.
“Dad,” I whisper, hugging him tight.
He has protected us all his whole life. It must hurt him knowing that shit is happening and he can’t control it.
“I’ll be fine. Pictures were taken of me here, but no one will know there,” I point out. I’ve been worried because when I checked out Instagram earlier, I saw pictures of me…a lot of them.
One picture was of me kissing Trey, but his face was hidden, which was a relief.
I also tried to stalk Trey and Vinny on social media, but they have zero online presence, which is a major surprise in this day and age. But I like it. People are too social media crazy.
“Let me go get your bags, baby.” Dad walks upstairs and I’m left alone with Mom, who is watching Dad’s ass as he walks up.
“Ew, Mom.” I gag when she licks her lips.
She looks at me accusingly. “Says the person who’s doing the dirty with two men,” she throws back, sassing me.
Dang, Mom. “Who says I’m doing that?”
“I may be old, but I’m not stupid.” She wags her finger at me and walks into her domain, which is the kitchen
I’m left alone with my butterflies about seeing them again.
For Jordan to not put up any kind of fight about me coming to stay with them is a huge sign as it is. If they weren’t good guys, Jordan would be having a major bitch fit and I would not be moving in with them.
My parents are way easy-going when it comes to me, but not him. He has always been my protective older brother, but I think a huge part of that stems from him protecting me from bullies when we were growing up.
I had girls try to jump me for no reason at all when I was a teenager, but Jordan would find out and they would be cornered by him instead of them cornering me.
He didn’t hurt them, but I do remember him hacking their cell phones and uploading shit to MySpace.
So all of that stopped pretty suddenly after that.
But I love my brother. I will be forever grateful for everything that he has done for me and I’m so glad that he has found someone as sweet as Alisha to love him.