Paisley looks at me, panicked. What the fuck do I say to that?
“She left me, didn’t she?” he says sadly.
I don’t know what to fucking say or do, and I also don’t want to lie. I bend down so I am face-to-face with him. I put my hand on his arm to get his attention.
“Do you want to live with your mommy?”
He shakes his head. “I don’t want to stay with her anymore, I like it here.” His body starts shaking under my hand.
“You’re not going anywhere, and you will be living with us forever. Your mommy decided to give you a better life and let you stay with us,” I say.
He relaxes. “Okay, I would like to stay here.” He looks at me and hugs me.
I close my eyes, hugging him back tightly. His little arms squeeze me with all of his might. Someone touches my side and, when I open my eyes, Paisley is standing beside us with tears falling down her face.
“Can I have my cinnamon rolls now?” His voice is muffled against my shoulder. I laugh and set him back down on the floor.
Paisley leans down and gives him a quick hug. He hugs her back with a smile on his face. I am fucking glad that he is getting comfortable with us. I hope that the shit he had to deal with before leaves his life completely. I want him to have good memories, like making breakfast with Paisley.
Paisley helps him fix his plate and he carries it to the dining room table; I grab mine and hers. We all sit down together digging into our food. “Are you guys married?” he asks, his face covered in icing.
“Not yet.” I wink at Paisley, and she blushes and looks down at her plate, smiling wide. A bell rings in the house, letting me know someone is at the gate. “I forgot Braelyn was coming.” I stand up and walk to the iPad hanging from the wall. The video shows it’s Braelyn and Ethan. I push the button unlocking the house and the gate, letting them in. I turn around and notice that he looks nervous.
“Braelyn is your sister and mine,” I tell him and he kind of relaxes.
He scoots his plate across the table. It’s empty. “Do you want more?” Paisley asks him and he shakes his head. I can tell that he is nervous.
Braelyn walks into the dining room and looks straight at Caiden, then at me. “He looks just like you.”
I laugh because it’s true.
Caiden is staring at Braelyn. “You look like Mommy,” he says; then he stands up and walks over to her.
She bends down and hugs him. “Yes, I do. I’m your sister Braelyn.”
“I’m Caiden.” He smiles at her.
Braelyn looks at me. “We found a box of yours at the house and brought it to you, Liam.” Ethan sets the box down on the table.
“We are going shopping in a little bit, Braelyn, if you want to go with us,” Paisley says.
Braelyn nods immediately. “I would love to go.”
A little bit later they leave, leaving me and Ethan alone. “She still alive?” he asks about Caiden and Braelyn’s mom.
“For now,” I tell him straight out. I don’t care if he is the chief of police. First and foremost, he is family and he hates the bitch just like I do.
He has firsthand knowledge of what our childhood was like. Braelyn lived that life until she was eighteen and went off to college, but her troubles didn’t end there. I can’t even stand the thought of what she went through.
Ethan saved her. He took her right off the streets and made her realize that she is more than the life she was dealt. Then he took me in and treated me like I was his son, even though I was practically grown. Although I was seventeen years old, in a sense, I was a kid. He made me into the man I am today, with the MC helping mold me.
Paisley was another huge influence on my life. I knew that I wanted her, and I did everything I could to be the man that would deserve her.
“I have a proposition for you.”
I lean against the counter. “What’s that?”
“Let me put her in jail for the rest of her life. She won’t ever get out but, this way, if Caiden ever wants to see her again, it will be an option. I have connections with a judge.”