I wake up tied to a chair. My hands are tied behind me, but my legs are free. I look around at the house and immediately know it’s abandoned. The windows are broken, the walls are graffitied, and the door is barely hanging from its hinges.
Men are talking in the next room. These fuckers are getting on my last nerve. Who the fuck do they think they are? They can’t just continue kidnapping me and expect to get away with it.
Liam is going to blame himself for this. I know that he will never fully forgive himself, because he left me alone at the house, but he thought he was protecting me. It’s not a situation we could have won. No matter what we did, the outcome wasn’t guaranteed. We would never have guessed that Liam’s father was planning all of this. I don’t understand why. After all of these years, why now?
The broken-down door opens, and Liam’s dad walks into the bedroom. He leans against the wall, staring down at me, and I hate that this fucker’s face resembles Liam’s. That makes me sick to my stomach. I hate this dumb fucker so much; I have never hated anyone like I do this person. I am looking into the eyes of the man who beat Liam and his sister. I am disgusted.
“I bet you’re wondering why I have been gunning for you?” He tilts his head.
I don’t say a word because, honestly, I don’t give a fuck what the reason is. There is no excuse good enough for this dumb fucking person. I want to fucking beat him to within an inch of his life, over and over, because that is what he did to his kid. But that wouldn’t be enough, because Liam and his sister bear the emotional scars.
“It seems that my son gave my wife money to run away from me a year ago, and I had to wait until he came home to settle the score. But I saw him with you and I got a much better idea. Why not kill you right in front of him?”
I just stare at him, not giving him any reaction. This man doesn’t deserve anything. This man doesn’t deserve to breathe. He is a pure piece of shit who needs to die.
Liam’s dad walks over to the window. He looks at me and then back out the window. “Fuck, how did they find us already?”
I don’t say a word. He doesn't know that I have a tracker in my engagement ring.
He punches the wall and charges over to me. He roughly pulls me out of the chair and drags me through the house, my arm wrenched up painfully, the gun pressed against my temple. He looks down at me like he is disgusted by my presence.
You’re not the only one, fucker.
He throws the door open hard, and we are on the porch. Standing in the yard are Liam, Dad, and the other MC guys. Liam looks me up and down and I nod slightly, letting him know that I am okay. He takes his eyes off me, looking at his father head on. That’s my boy, show him what kind of person you are and that he means nothing to you.
“Derek, what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Liam snarls, his voice unlike anything I’ve heard before.
Derek laughs loudly, like he is having the best time of his life. His breath brushes against my face, making me sick to my stomach, because the smell is unlike anything I have ever smelled before.
“You took something away from me, now I am here to do the same,” Derek tells Liam, like he is doing the most normal and sane thing in the world.
Liam looks at him like he is the stupidest person in the entire world. “What are you talking about?”
Derek shifts me in his arms, and I can see that he is getting angrier. “Don’t play these games, Liam. Stupid worthless fucker.”
You know what? I am done with this shit. I raise my arm, grab the gun, and snap on the safety. Then I bring my head back, breaking his nose. He lets me go.
“You like to fucking beat on your kids? I am going to show you what worthless fuckers like you deserve!” I scream at him. I hurt for Liam and Braelyn and what this person did to them. Their father hit them and let them go hungry. This is me getting revenge. With all of my might, I kick the gun right out of his hand. It flies across the ground.
Derek looks at me, his face full of rage.
“Not such a badass, are you now?” I taunt him, smirking. He charges me, and I kick him hard in the balls. He hits the ground like a ton of bricks. I stand over him, bend down, and pound his face with my fist.
My heart, body, and soul are growing lighter with every second. I hate this person so much and have for years. Tears are falling down my face with every single hit. I scream and grab his hair and smash his head into the ground.
“Stupid fucker, I hate you so much for what you have done to him!” I scream and kick his side hard, his whole body curling into a ball, protecting himself.
A hand touches my shoulder, and I stop and turn around. Liam is standing beside me looking totally amused.
“Uhh, I don’t think I needed rescuing,” I mutter, and he throws his head back laughing at me and pulls me into his chest. I lay my head against his chest, closing my eyes, and relax for the first time since I went to sleep hours ago. This has been one hell of a night.
“Stupid bitch,” Derek moans.
Liam lets me go and kicks him hard in the face. A tooth falls out of his mouth as he spits blood onto the ground. Dad comes over and takes me from Liam, pulling me away from the scene.