‘“I love you so much,” I whisper, tears falling down my face. My whole body feels like it’s about to burst.
“I love you too, my love.”
The room is completely quiet. All of the ladies are crying, and the men are staring at us. We probably look like loons, but he is my loon. I love him so much. He is my life. I couldn’t imagine a day without him, and the wait for him was worth every single minute because, in the end, I have him. This is the man I am going to marry, and we are going to have babies and build an amazing family. A family that I will cherish with all of my heart. My kids will grow up being around the best kind of family. The kind that will take care of you, love you unconditionally, and protect you above everything else.
That is family.
That is Liam.
This is my everything.
She fucking surprised me. I never expected for her to do that for me. She got me the bike I have been searching for forever. She did that for me. Nobody has done anything like that for me, cared that much, or put in that much time and effort. I am so fucking blessed to have her in my life. My fiancé. I bought the ring a long time ago. I have been waiting for the perfect time and I knew, in that moment, that it was time.
I am so surprised by everything she’s done. I love that woman with all of my heart. More than life itself. I would do anything for her, and I love her more every day. Call me a pussy or a bitch but I don’t care, because I love her. If that makes me a pussy, I will gladly accept that name.
The cartel has been hidden for a long time, but we brought the war to them the moment they perched on club territory and went after Paisley twice. The first time I was there and they never touched her, but the second time they threw fucking acid over the gate. That shit hurt her bad. She was in horrible pain and bedridden for a long time.
She still hasn’t gone back to work, and I hope she doesn’t because I want her barefoot and pregnant. Plus I am fucking scared of what could happen when she is at work. I can’t control what happens to her there.
That shit kills me.
I am not scared of fucking anything, but I am scared of one thing, and that is losing her. The sight of her lying on the ground, not moving and passed out, will forever haunt me. I have nightmares of losing her. I can hardly stand being away from her. That shit is smothering me.
My whole fucking life I just had to worry about myself. Then, when I was seventeen, this blond, blue-eyed angel popped into my life, and it was forever changed.
Fuck me.
She is lying on the couch watching TV in underwear and my shirt. I am standing in the entrance to the living room, just staring at her like a creeper. She looks up and sees me staring at her, and she waves me over. “Come. Cuddle, Baby.”
You know what I am going to fucking do? Go cuddle.
Well, maybe not so much fucking cuddling, I have other things in mind.
A Week Later
What the fuck?
In my locker at work there is a letter, and I have no clue how it got there. The letter says: He is going to pay. Is this the cartel?
I get a text from Liam letting me know that he is outside. I slam my locker closed and stuff the note in my purse. I will show Liam once I am in the truck.
I keep my eyes peeled, looking for anything and everything out of the ordinary. I am scared; my heart feels like it’s about to burst.
Having been burned like that has me on edge constantly. I am scared that something like that will happen again, and I can only relax when I am with Liam. He makes me feel safe and so secure. It’s something that I can’t describe.
Through the sliding glass doors, I see Liam waiting at the entrance. I let out a deep breath, trying to control myself. I don’t want to show my panic just yet. I walk outside, and Liam wraps his arm around me, as usual, hurrying to the truck. He is super happy over his bike, but he doesn’t want me on the back of it until everything is settled, and I understand why. It’s dangerous.
I just want things to go back to normal. I want to go on bike rides with Liam. I want to go places alone without worrying about something happening. I just want as normal a life as possible, but we all know that’s not going to happen.
Liam helps me into the truck and shuts the door. I stick my hand in my purse and take out the note, hating to show it to him because our lives have been quiet and peaceful. Liam stares at me, and I look out the windshield. “Baby?”
I close my eyes, hearing the concern in his voice, and my stomach twists. The cartel has gone after me twice; why the fuck are they doing it again? What do they want with me?