Page 33 of Liam

We slowly move her onto the gurney. Maybe it’s a fucking blessing she’s out cold. Her back is burned, bad. Really fucking bad.

I get onto the ambulance with her, and Torch gets in beside me. My eyes never leave her face. She is still out.

“They are dead,” Torch says.

“You are damn fucking right.”

I am going to track them down, one by one, and destroy them.


When I open my eyes, the first thing I see is Liam, and the next thing I notice is my back is really fucked up; the pain is bad. Liam scoots forward and touches my cheek. “Baby.” He lowers his head, his breathing harsh.

I try to scoot closer, and I cry out in pain. His head shoots up, and he stops me from moving. “Stop, Baby, your back.”

I stop, remembering everything that happened. Someone threw something over the gate and it hit my back. “How bad is it, Liam?”

He lets out a deep breath. “It’s not seriously bad, but it’s on the top of your hips and the small of your back. It’s severe third-degree burns.”

I close my eyes. The feeling of it hitting my back is something I will never forget. “Vanessa?” I ask, almost afraid to know what happened.

“Someone stole her phone from work.”

I cover my face, crying into my hands, because I can’t believe this happened. I want to be strong for Liam, but I don’t want to be strong right now.

I was burned. Someone threw acid on me. They didn’t intend to kill me, but they hurt me in a way that will affect me forever.

“Paisley.” Liam kisses my cheek and puts his hand on the top of my shoulder. “I am so fucking sorry, Baby, I wish I could take it from you.”

“It’s not your fault, Liam, I am just emotional right now.”

He kisses my temple once more, his hand drifting through my hair.

“Sleep, my love, I will be right here.” His fingers stroke my hair and the top of my back, soothing me. My body is shaking; I guess it’s from the pain and shock.


Her hand is on my forearm, and I stare down into her sleeping face; it’s so peaceful. I look down at her back, seeing the raw, burned skin. She is going to be scarred and, honestly, I feel like it’s my fault.

I wasn’t there to protect her, and that shit is eating away at my fucking core. It’s my job to make sure she is safe.

Her body is still shaking, even in sleep, and she is running a slight fever. I grab a blanket and cover her legs.

The door opens, and Torch walks in with Kayla, returning from the cafeteria. His eyes are only on his daughter.

“She woke up for a few minutes.”

Torch closes his eyes, relieved. Kayla’s face is red with tears. She rubs her eyes and sits down beside me.

Everyone is affected by this shit; she is a huge part of everyone’s lives. Paisley brings happiness to everyone around her, and she is so fucking strong. Even when she is hurt she worries about me.

She is fucking beautiful, inside and out.

“Maybe she should move in with us for a while, so we can take care of her,” Kayla suggests, pissing me the fuck off.

I look at her. “I will take care of her.”

She looks at me, her face sad. “She is going to need a lot of help, for a while, doing everything.”