Page 30 of Liam

Two guys attack at once. They look the same, with black T-shirts, jeans, gelled-back hair, and a predatory look.

Liam smashes the butt of the bat into one guy’s face. He kicks the other in the stomach, and he hits the ground. Liam swings the bat and hits the one who was trying to sneak out. He hits the ground like the others.

The first two climb back to their feet and the third guy, who is uninjured, comes up behind Liam, trying to grab him from behind. Liam throws out his elbow and hits him.

The other two guys grab Liam at once, one in front of him and one from behind. Liam throws his head back, butting him right in the nose. The guy lets go of Liam and grips his nose, blood pouring out between his fingertips.

Liam grabs the one in front of him, gripping his face between his hands. He pulls his face down as he brings up a knee. I can hear a bone cracking.

Liam picks up his baseball bat, which, somehow, has fallen to the ground, and faces the guy he just kneed in the face. Liam swings the bat, hitting him in the knee. He hits the ground, screaming, and Liam punches him hard in the mouth, shutting him up.

The final guy approaches, and Liam punches him in the jaw. His face twists to the side, and he falls. All of them are on the ground.

My window breaks, a hand reaches in, and I hear the door unlocking. Fear settles in my stomach. The door is swung open, and another one of the cartel members reaches inside.

Liam’s face comes into view, tearing the guy away. Liam clutches his hair and smashes his face into the car window right by his truck. Glass breaks around his face, and the guy’s body slumps inside the car.

I hear the roar of a shit ton of motorcycles. Then we are surrounded by bikes. My dad is the first one off his bike, and he runs over. Liam reaches inside the truck and scoops me out. I wrap myself around him. Dad stands right beside us and looks at my black eye.

“This was from an accident at work,” I reassure him. I look away and tuck my face into the side of Liam’s neck.

“Fuck, Liam, did you take all six out yourself?” Techy asks, and I lift my head and look down at the guys on the ground.

“They barely even touched him,” I point out. The MC members look at the guys lying on the ground, knocked out, and the one hanging out of a car window.

I close my eyes and bask in the feel of Liam: the warmth, the protection, all that is Liam. I could have lost him today, and that thought is unbearable.

I slowly let myself slide down Liam’s body, but he doesn’t let me go—he clutches me to his side. His whole body is ready, ready for anything.

“They came for her.”

Everyone looks at me, and I can see their angry expressions. Dad grabs the side of his face. “Fuck!” he roars and looks at me, filled with rage and absolute horror.

“Retaliation,” Kyle says.

“Fuck yeah,” Liam agrees.

A huge black van pulls up beside us, and Tyler, Brett, and Shane climb out of the van. They immediately start loading up the guys.

Tyler looks at me. “You okay, Paisley?”

I nod before answering. “They never touched me, I am fine.” Liam kisses the side of my head. I close my eyes, laying my head on his chest.

Dad is standing beside me, and I can tell that he is dying to snatch me away from Liam. I mouth to him, “I am fine, Daddy.”

He nods and looks at the ground, his hands clenched into fists. “Go home, Liam, if we need you we will call.”

Liam nods and we walk to his truck; he helps me into the truck and climbs in the driver’s side. I lift the middle console and sit in the middle, and I buckle up.

“Baby, you okay?” His hand rests on the side of my face that is not lying on his shoulder.

“I am fine, I just want to be close to you right now, Baby,” I confess and he strokes the side of my face.

I watch the traffic all around us. Liam’s body is still tight, ready for anything. I just want to be home; I want to be held and in my bed, where I feel safe.

You would think that, as an MC kid, I would be used to this kind of thing, but I am not. I have seen some shit, but I’m not used to being directly affected by the MC’s battles. I was protected from all this. But today, they gunned for me.

They were planning on kidnapping me and doing god knows what. Liam took on six men and didn’t have a scratch on him. I never realized how much of a badass and a dangerous person he is until this very moment. Liam was always badass, but I was up close and personal to see how truly dangerous he is.