Page 20 of Liam

He shakes his head. “I heard a lot about you.” He gives me a mocking look. “You were all Liam talked about during basic.”

She grins at him happily. “I can guarantee my friends all think the exact same thing about me.”


I bet I could get my friend hooked up with Tyler; he would be perfect for her!

Liam honestly shocked me when he put his hand on my ass. He was staking his claim in front of his friend, and I honestly loved it. I love that he is possessive of me.

What girl wouldn’t want that?

Liam sits down beside me at the table, and Tyler is in front of us. Tyler is a good-looking man. He is a big guy, and his hair is slightly longer than Liam’s. He has this dangerously tall, dark, and handsome look going on.

“So, Tyler, are you single? I have a friend that is,” I blurt out. They would be so cute together.

He and Liam laugh, and Liam runs his hand up and down my leg. I put my hand on top of his, my fingers twining with his.

“Yes, I am.” He takes a pull of his beer.

I clap my hands together, wondering how I can get them together. I gasp when it comes to me. “Liam, a blind date!”

He just grins at me, full of amusement. I roll my eyes and look at Tyler, who is chuckling under his breath.

Vanessa seriously needs someone in her life. She needs someone to care about her and make her feel safe. She had a fucked-up childhood, and she’s dated but never had a serious boyfriend.

“I will show up,” he tells me and I grin at him.

I feel Liam moving closer, and he presses his lips against my ear. “That smile is only meant for me,” he whispers. My whole body shivers.

I kiss his cheek. “Alright let’s dig in.” My stomach growls for the tenth time since I have been home. I am a foodie. I could eat all day long, and then an hour later I would be starving again.

Throughout the meal, Liam is always touching me. He touches my leg or plays with my hair. I love how affectionate he is.

I get out of the shower around ten o’clock, and I slip on another of Liam’s shirts and a pair of pajama pants. I walk into my bedroom, only to see Liam lying on his back, shirtless, with his arms behind his head.

God, give me strength not to do unthinkable things right now.

I swallow hard, trying not to let on how affected I am. I throw my clothes in the laundry basket and try to play it cool while walking to the bed, but on the inside I am anything but that.

Liam pulls back the blanket for me, and I slide into bed beside him. I look at him, and he turns over, his thumb pressed into my bottom lip.

“Baby,” he whispers, before his mouth brushes mine so softly it’s almost feather-like. I dig my fingers into the back of his head. I leave my eyes open, staring deeply into his. I smile, my lips moving against his ever so slightly.

He tilts his head to the side, his thumb stroking my cheek. I giggle, biting my lip, and move my head forward, trying to kiss him.

He lowers his head to kiss the side of my neck. I instinctively tilt my head to the side, his lips nibbling, kissing.

Oh my goodness.

I shiver, lift my leg, and let it rest on the back of his thigh. He takes that cue to move between my legs, still kissing my neck and throat.

His hand slowly slides down my side to my thigh, which is draped over his hip. I want him so much, so much.

He lifts his head, and his eyes are dark with want. His lips finally connect with mine, and I groan and tilt my hips, trying to get any kind of relief. His hand is on my thigh, slowly moving toward…

I freeze, waiting to see what he is going to do.

His hand moves closer and closer, goose bumps trailing in its wake. His finger stops at the edge of my panties, his lips break from mine, and I open my eyes to look at him.