Page 66 of Liam

“Daddy, don’t make me cry.” My voice cracks and he pulls me over, hugging me. He kisses the top of my head, and I grip his suit.

I love my daddy so much. He is my best friend, and I have been blessed to have a father who has done everything he’s done for me. “I love you, my baby,” he says softly. The music starts playing.

“I love you too,” I whisper and the door opens, revealing the packed church and my Liam. I smile and he smiles back at me, and every single person in the room disappears, leaving Liam and me,

Mr. and Mrs. Beckham.

A Couple of Months Later

Christmas Morning

This is Caiden’s first Christmas with us, and Liam and I are really excited as we sit on the couch waiting for him to wake up. I have a huge surprise for Liam, one that he won’t expect.

A minute or so later I hear Caiden running. Liam and I sit up, waiting for him to come into the room. Caiden skids to a stop and looks at the presents on the floor.

“Merry Christmas, Caiden!” I tell him and he runs over to hug me and Liam. “Ready to open your presents?” I ask him, and he nods so fast his whole body is shaking. I laugh and motion for him to go for it.

Liam and I have our presents separated so that Caiden can just open all of his. He sits down on the floor. His hair is messed up on top. The last time I took him to get a haircut, he wanted the same style as Liam. He and Liam have become like best friends. Liam bought him a mini-Harley, and he never wants to get off it. My heart is about to burst with fear every time he gets on it. I will have gray hair before I get to thirty years old.

Caiden finishes opening his presents and crawls under the tree. He comes out with an envelope in his hand. I look at Liam, confused, but he just smiles. I guess he is in on it.

Caiden walks over to me. “I have something for you.” He sets the envelope on my lap. I smile at him. I slowly open it, pulling out the papers inside.

My stomach twists at the sight of the words: “Adoption of Caiden.” My eyes fill with tears, and I look at Caiden. “You want me to adopt you?” My voice is shaking along with my hands, and Liam touches my back.

Liam has already adopted him, but we weren’t married yet. “I want you to be my mommy.” Well, fuck. I set the papers on the coffee table and pull Caiden to me, hugging him. I couldn’t stop the tears even if I wanted to. “I want nothing more, Baby.” Liam never once takes his hand off my back.

“Okay,” he whispers and hugs me tighter.

A few minutes later, I manage to compose myself, but I can’t bring myself to let him go. This little boy is so precious. He took over my heart the moment I met him, and it’s only grown.

“You have gotten your wish,” I whisper into his ear. He pulls back and looks at me, smiling. He has asked me over and over, since Liam and I got married, when I was going to have a baby.

I am pregnant.

Twelve weeks to be exact. It totally slipped my mind that it was time for my contraceptive injection.

“Really?” He grins happily and I nod my head, grinning, I reach behind me and hand Liam the small package.

Liam looks at both of us, confused. “What am I missing?” he says.

“Open it,” I tell him and he looks at the package, then back at us again. He opens the package achingly slowly, and it’s killing me.

He finally gets the wrapping off, after what seems like forever, and opens the box. I put the pregnancy test on top of the sonogram pictures of the baby. I thought I could be pregnant, but I wanted to be sure and I wanted to wait until Christmas to tell him.

Liam doesn’t say a word for a few beats, just staring down into the box, and then he looks at me. “You’re pregnant?” he says softly.

I touch his cheek. “I’m twelve weeks.”

He sets the box on the coffee table then gently lifts me onto his lap and hugs me, his hand resting on my stomach. Caiden hugs both of us. “I can’t believe that you’re pregnant.” He kisses my cheek.

“Yes, we are.” I smile at Caiden, who looks so excited. He puts his hand on my stomach, right beside Liam’s.

My life is just perfect. The cartel has completely left, and we have been at peace ever since they disappeared. The cartel made everyone realize how fragile life is, how easily everything could have been taken away. The club is finding and testing new ways to keep everyone protected and make everything safer for all of us.

If it weren’t for our protected vehicles, we wouldn’t be alive because we have been shot at so many times. If the glass weren’t bulletproof, we have been shot multiple times over.

The Grim Sinners and Devil Souls found a private school right between the two clubs, and they decided to send their kids there because it’s smaller, safer, and easily manipulated with money so we can protect it better. The cartel has left everyone weary and looking over our shoulders for the unexpected, and they don’t want to take a chance with the kids.