I close my eyes and let him take off all my makeup, getting sleepier by the second. Today has been a long day on top of being so emotionally draining. “You sure you don’t mind him being here?” Liam asks.
I open my eyes and look at him. “Not at all, Liam, I would honestly love to adopt him. He is family and family stays with family, no matter what.”
Liam smiles, shaking his head. “How did I get so fucking lucky with you?”
I smile back. “I think the same thing about you, Baby.” I touch his cheek and lean forward, hugging him.
“Come on, Baby, let’s change and go to sleep.” He yawns and stands up, walks to our closet, and throws me a shirt and a pair of shorts
I change clothes, and I already feel much better after getting out of my tight jeans and this bra. There is no better feeling than taking your bra off after a long day.
I climb into bed, pulling back the covers and slipping between the sheets, and I sigh loudly. Liam comes out of the closet a second later in a pair of shorts.
He falls into bed beside me then turns over, pulling my back to his front. “What a fucking day, good night, Baby,” he grumbles and I close my eyes, letting sleep take me.
I wake up and look at the clock by the bed, and it shows it’s eight o’clock. I peek over my shoulder at Liam and see that he is still in a deep sleep. I need to get up and check on Caiden.
I slowly slip out from under Liam’s arm. Usually every time I move in my sleep he wakes up and pulls me back to him. Since he didn’t do that, he must be exhausted.
I pad across the room and to Caiden's room, and he is sitting up in bed looking into the hallway.
“Want some breakfast?” I whisper and he climbs out of bed and walks to me. I smile at him and he lowers his head, blushing. I turn away and, together, we start toward the kitchen.
I feel a hand touching mine, and I look down and see that he is trying to hold my hand. I open my hand, and he slips his hand into mine.
“What do you want for breakfast?”
“Cinnamon rolls?” he whispers.
“Anything you want, honey,” I tell him and, together, we walk into the kitchen. “Want to sit here or do you want to help me?”
He fully smiles for the first time since I met him yesterday, and I almost fall on my ass right there because of how much, once again, he reminds me of Liam. “I would like to help you, Paisley.” Be still my heart! He is so cute.
I get him a little stool to stand on so he can reach the tabletop, and I hand him a bowl and some eggs. “Crack these eggs in here, then use this to whisk them.” He eagerly takes an egg, barely tapping it on the counter.
I walk downstairs and the sight before me is something I want to see for the rest of my life. Paisley and Caiden are laughing, having the time of their lives cooking together.
I woke up worried about Caiden and I know now, in this moment, that everything will be okay.
“Good morning!”
Paisley and Caiden look at me, and Paisley smiles that smile that fucks with my heart every single time. Caiden smiles at me too.
“You know, I think today we should go shopping,” I tell Caiden pointedly, and he tries to play it cool, going back to putting icing on the cinnamon rolls.
Paisley smooths down the back of his hair. “We have to get stuff for your room.”
He looks up at Paisley. “My room? I am going to be living here? With you guys?” He looks genuinely shocked.
“Yes, you will be living here with us.”
“What happened to Mommy?” he says, and I can tell that he is sad.