“Liam, how about we do some fucking hunting?” I smile into the dark. I am tired of running, hiding, and watching my every move.
Let’s bring the fun to them.
Liam grins at me and drops the backpacks, and together we head straight back in the direction we just left. Liam holds my hand until we reach a group of men. We come out from behind the tree and, together, we get rid of the threat that has been tracking us. They have been after our family, and they have threatened, stalked, and tried to kill us. I am so sick and tired of these fuckers.
The only reason I ran at all was because I wanted to make sure Paisley was safe. The moment she wanted to fight back, I was fucking proud.
There can’t be many of these fuckers left between the Grim Sinners and us. We have been picking them off for a long time, and we must have killed around thirty tonight. I took out almost all of them myself, and she got the ones who tried to sneak up on us. This shit is part of life. Killing takes a bit of your soul, but it’s you or them—and I can say it won’t fucking be me.
Paisley has a bit of outlaw blood in her, and I can see she doesn’t like it but she accepts this shit just like I do. We do whatever it takes to protect ourselves and our family. My best guess is that this is the last of these fuckers—this is their last hurrah.
We step out of the woods. She is holding my hand, and we walk through the field toward the house. Paisley’s hand is like fucking ice. It’s fucking cold outside, and I wish these fuckers had chosen another night to try this shit —when it’s not thirty degrees outside.
We reach the house and someone steps out. I freeze in absolute fucking shock at the sight of the person standing in front of me. He raises his gun and pulls the trigger. I don’t fucking move because I never expected to see this person again.
The very same man who tried to kidnap me is standing right on the front porch staring at Liam in pure disgust. Then he looks at me and raises his gun, and Liam doesn’t move.
I raise my gun and shoot, not even bothering to aim. He pulls the trigger right after I shoot him, and he is hit on the forearm; it knocks the gun right out of his hand. He runs off the porch, and Liam just stares after the man, letting him get away. “Liam, what’s wrong?”
He looks at me, and he doesn’t look like the Liam I know. “That was my dad.”
FUCK. Liam takes his hand out of mine, twisting his fingers through his hair. “I am going to fucking kill him! It was him threatening you! Was he the man in the van?” he asks, his voice shaking with anger.
“Yeah,” I whisper.
Liam looks so pained at my answer, his eyes close and he swallows. “Baby, go in the house to the panic room. Lock the door tight. I am going to go find him.” Liam kisses my forehead and runs off in the direction his dad went.
I close my eyes at the pain I feel because Liam is hurting so badly. I hate that his father has shown up all of these years later, just to fuck with him and me. He wanted to hit Liam right where it hurt, and I guess that was me. I rub my face and walk up the steps to the house. I open my eyes, and I am face-to-face with Liam’s dad.
He smiles at me, looking way too much like Liam. My stomach churns.
“Night night.”
From the corner of my eye, I spot a gun. It hits me hard on the side of the head. Everything goes black, and I feel my body hit the ground and tumble down the steps.
Where the fuck did he go? It’s been thirty minutes. I’d better get back to Paisley.
I run back to the house. The first thing I see is her gun sitting on the front porch, the door wide open, and spots of blood on the steps. He took her and it’s all my fault. My knees give out, and I hit the ground hard. My hands go to my face, trying to fucking control my anger.
That’s when I hear the sound of bikes. I stand up and wait for my brothers. One by one they surround me. They turn off their bikes, and they all stare at me.
“There are thirty cartel members dead in those fucking woods.” I point in the direction where I left them. “Then I found the person who was threatening Paisley.”
I clench my jaw hard, trying not to fucking scream. I fucking hurt, I hurt so bad that she was taken from me and it was all my fault. “My fucking father, I went after him and he took her.” I shake my head, looking at the ground, trying to fucking control myself. My heart is in fucking danger, and that shit is eating me up on the inside.
“She has a tracker in her ring,” I tell Techy, who is already on his phone.
Her dad walks over to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. “Don’t fucking blame yourself, you can’t control everything, Liam. We will get her back, and we will make them suffer in the process.”
I grin for the first time. They will pay. Oh, will they fucking pay. We can’t fucking forget I was trained to kill some fuckers.