Page 51 of Liam

I laugh and scoot over to lie on his chest. The heat radiates off of him immediately, making my day so much better, and I feel safety coming off of him in waves.

“It just fucking scares me the thought of something happening to you,” he whispers and turns off the light, bringing us into complete darkness.

I run my hand down his side. “Baby, I love you so much and I knew you were coming for me, but you’re not Superman. You’re the only man I know who could take on six men at once with barely a scratch.”

His head tilts to the side and he kisses my forehead. “Still doesn’t make it easier on me, Baby.” His fingers are buried in my hair, which is sore from the hair pulling I got earlier, soothing me.

“Baby, I can’t stand you being hurt, it fucking kills me on the inside. It goes against everything in me for you to be in danger, it’s against my very core.”

Tears pool behind my eyelids and I try not to cry. When you love someone it’s so hard to think about them being hurt, and I hate the thought of Liam in danger. I wanted to help him so badly today, but I learned a long time ago to let him handle it, rather than distracting him and making it worse.

“You know I can’t wait for the day we are living in peace. We can get married and have a bunch of babies,” I pipe in, wanting to break the mood.

He bursts out laughing, kissing the side of my head once more. “I will have to fucking hide for a year because your dad will try to kill me.”

I laugh loudly at that because he is not lying. My father never took to me dating in the first place, and he gave Liam a hard time. Liam made it worse on himself because he never gave a fuck if my father harassed him. He would laugh, which pissed my dad off worse.

I also know that, deep down, Dad actually likes him. Dad bought Liam his first bike when he was seventeen and pretended it was a club thing. Liam saved me. He saved me from something that would have forever affected my life, if I’d survived. I could have killed, or god knows what else could have happened to me. I might never have been found. If it weren’t for Liam, everything would be so different. My life wouldn’t be my life. Liam is my life, and he has been since I was sixteen years old.

“You know Dad never found out that you used to sneak in my window almost every night.”

Liam laughs. “Well, I would probably be dead because your dad would have shot my ass for sneaking in his daughter’s window.”

I agree. “Well, I loved the thrill of it.”

“I bet you did, mean ass.” He smacks my ass once more and continues cupping my ass cheek.

“I loved every moment I had with you, especially right before you left. I missed you so much, and I counted down the days until you were home.”

He holds me a little tighter. “Baby, you’re the one thing that kept me going while I was over there. With the shit I’ve seen and done… It was you who made me go to sleep smiling because it would all be fucking worth it in the end, because I would have you.” He stops for a few beats, pulling me even closer. “Over the years I would come home, and I would see the changes in you, you turning into the most beautiful woman.”

He pushes me onto my back and looks down at me. “When I first met you, I made a promise to myself that I would make myself worthy of you. I knew that I never would be, but I vowed I would never fucking give you up.” He kisses my forehead before letting his head rest against mine. “You’re my Paisley.”

I put my hands on either side of his face. “You’re my Liam.”

He closes his eyes. I do the same, just feeling him and enjoying the amazing feeling of loving him and him loving me back. It’s the best feeling in the world.

The Next Morning

Liam and I are cooking breakfast together. The windows are open, letting in the early morning breeze, and we’re enjoying the peace. A song comes on the radio, “You Make It Easy” by Jason Aldean. Hands are on my waist. I turn around and he pulls me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest, hands on his ass, eyes closed, and he sways us side to side listening to the words.

God, I love him so much.

I open my eyes, looking up at him, and he smiles and touches my cheek. “I have something for you.” I leave him standing in the middle of the kitchen, and I run upstairs to my suitcase and pull out the journal.

This journal is my journey with Liam: the moment I first saw him, when he saved me, and over the years. I want him to know how I feel, and my talking about my feelings will never be enough.

I walk back to the kitchen. Liam is leaning against the counter, and I hand him the journal. “This is for you.”

He studies the back of the journal and looks at me, confused. “This is our journey, in my eyes, from the moment I first saw you until the moment we were engaged.” He eyes me and then walks into the living room, taking the journal. I let out a deep breath. I’m nervous about seeing his reaction.


I open the journal not knowing what to expect. I never expected for her to have this journal, and it means a lot that she would go through the trouble of writing all of this down.

Entry Number One:

Today, I saw him for the first time. He is the new kid in school and he has to be the most beautiful man I ever saw. He smiled at me at lunch, and I thought my heart was going to stop in my chest right then and there. My friends were jealous that he even looked at me, but I don’t care. I want to marry him. I want him and he is the only boy that I ever thought about liking. The rest are too scared of my father and the club, but I have a feeling he would not care. He is a bad boy and maybe, all along, I have had a thing for them? But I think it’s just him.