Page 49 of Liam


A Few Days Later

The other ladies and I have decided to have a girls’ shopping day. It’s the first time we’ve done this in months because of everything that has been going down, and it’s much needed. I am also running out of underwear because Liam has a huge habit of tearing them off my body. We fuck a couple of times a day, and it seems that neither Liam nor I can get enough.

“This day was much needed!” Chrystal says and plops down in the chair next to me in one of the restaurants in the mall. From the corner of my eye, I see a man who looks like Liam. But when I look back he is gone, so I don’t say anything.

I nod, taking a drink of my water. “I needed this so bad, I needed some normal.”

The girls around me pipe up in agreement. We are not alone. Members of the MC are sitting all around us, at different tables, keeping an eye on us—but they are doing their own thing.

Liam is sitting two tables over, not bothering to pretend that he’s not keeping an eye on me. Everything that has been going on has him seriously on edge. I don’t blame him because, honestly, I am the exact same way.

Liam winks at me and finally looks away. As I turn back to the girls, I see a man ducking into the men’s bathroom. I could swear it’s the same man I saw earlier, the guy who looks like Liam. Eating my food I watch for the man to come back out, but he doesn’t. Why do I have a bad feeling?

* * *

Everyone parts ways as we finish eating. It’s safer if we don’t leave at once; traveling as a group puts a bigger target on our backs.

Liam and I are heading home to stay in bed for the rest of the day, watching TV and fucking. I can’t wait for the moment that all of this ends so I can marry him and have babies. I want at least two: a little boy who looks just like Liam and a sweet little angel. I know that Liam would be an amazing father. He had such a shitty childhood and he said, years ago, that if he became a father he would do everything in his power to be the best, and I believe him.

Liam has his hand pressed on the small of my back, and his head is swiveling in every direction, looking for any kind of danger.

“Do you want take—” I don’t finish. Hands are buried in my hair and I am pulled back hard, right out of Liam’s arms and onto the ground. The air is knocked out of my lungs. Someone is holding my throat—I cannot breathe. Liam is fighting six men all at once. Oh my god, we are being attacked.

Liam takes a hit to the face. He stops moving and wipes the blood off his lip and smiles. Oh fuck. He rolls his shoulder and then he explodes. I push myself up, ignoring the stinging on my bare arms and legs from fucking road burn, my head hurting like a bitch.

Another guy is running toward us, coming straight for me. I push myself up to a standing position, ready to fight. The guy reaches me, and I aim a kick straight for his nuts. He dodges and bends down, throwing me over his shoulder. I beat his back, pulling his grimy hair hard, and then he is running with me. I twist, pull, and hit with everything in me.

I look up and see Liam knocking out the last man. I scream and he looks at me in pure horror. He takes off after us, and I am thrown in the van and the door is slammed shut behind me.

It hits me like a ton of bricks: I have been kidnapped. I spin around and face whoever is in the van with me. I am face-to-face with the man I saw at the mall, the one who looks like Liam.

“What do you want?” I ask him. My voice is completely calm but, on the inside, I am anything but that. I am scared.

“I have a message for Liam.” The guy smiles, his teeth dirty. His whole face is dirty with god knows what, and his hair hasn’t been in a shower in a very long time.

I don’t say a word. I just want to hear what he has to say. “Tell Liam that I can take everything away from him just like he did me.”

The doors are opened behind me, and I see Liam. My captor is gone. Then I am pushed out of the van, right onto the highway.


“FUCK!” I yell at the sight of her hitting the fucking ground. I was going to take every one of them at the next red light, but they came to an almost-stop and threw her out. I put the car in park and run over to her. My hands are a fucking mess bleeding and cracked and my face is bleeding. I took on six fucking men who all wanted to fight at one time.

She is sitting up when I reach her. She lifts her arms, and I lift her off the ground and run back to my truck so I can get her out of the open. She sits in the middle of the seat, staring through the windshield, and her arms are messed up because of road burn.

“Baby.” I touch her face, not even caring that I have traffic backed up.

“He had a message for you, he wanted you to know that he can take everything away from you like you did him.”

What the living fuck is going on? I have not taken anything from anyone. I have been overseas for fucking years. I put the truck in drive and race for the fucking clubhouse, hitting the fucking alert button on the roof of my truck, letting them all know that shit is going down.

Paisley is curled into my side, her whole body shaking, and I fucking hate it. I hate that I wasn’t there to protect her. I fought off six fucking guys at once, and I thought she was hiding. Then I heard her scream, and the fucker tossed her into the vehicle. I never had a fucking chance to get to her.

“Don’t do that, Liam.” Paisley says, rubbing my chest. “Don’t blame yourself.”

It’s hard not to, when something like that happens right under my fucking nose, and who the fuck is this person? Is it someone I have tortured over the years? Did I kill someone they are close to?