I hand the note to Liam and watch his expression as he reads it. Just as I expected, he is extremely pissed off. He starts the truck, and his hands clutch the steering wheel tightly. The veins in his arms are straining from the exertion, and his jaw is clenching and unclenching.
“Let’s go home, I will call the guys over.” He takes my hand and kisses the back of it. I scoot toward him, close my eyes, and lie on his shoulder. Everything will be okay. This will all end someday—it can’t last forever.
It can’t.
I am drained; I am so tired of all this stuff. It’s been going on for months, and as soon as we get a break, they start up their shit again.
“It’s okay, sweet girl, but I don’t think it’s safe for you to go back to work unless you let me put someone on you.”
I want to work—being a nurse is what I have wanted for so long—but if it means endangering my life or someone else’s, its best to take some vacation time. “I will call tomorrow and let them know.” I can hear the sadness in my voice. I hate that they are taking this away from me.
“I am sorry, Baby, but I can’t risk something happening to you,” he whispers.
I squeeze his hand tighter. “I understand, Baby.” We sit in silence for a few minutes, thinking of all the shit that has gone down. I notice a beat-up old van on my side of the vehicle. I sit up higher in my seat. I have a bad feeling.
The driver’s window slowly moves down, and the barrel of a gun sticks out. I grip Liam’s leg. “Liam!” I yell. He looks over as a shot goes off, the sound loud and thunderous. The bullet hits the window but doesn’t pierce it.
Thank God every vehicle we get the for the club adds a lot of safety features. The moment a bullet hits the window, the club is notified. Liam pushes me onto the floor and puts a bulletproof vest between the door and me.
“I am going straight to the club.” He floors it. “Let’s hope this fucker follows us right to the club. I am going to make them fucking pay.” He lets off the gas for a second as we swerve through town.
I lie on the floor, while god knows what is happening above me, but I am not scared. That probably isn’t a normal reaction at all, but I grew up with this life. I know that Liam will protect me. Even with all of this going on, I wouldn’t change a thing. This is my life.
A few bursts of gunfire hit the back of the truck, and I hear the ping of the bullets bouncing off. I wince. It’s going to be hard to get the bullets out of his new truck.
“I am going to fucking kill them,” Liam says.
Then I hear the amazing sound of bikes. The club has come to us. I look out the back window; the van comes to a dead stop in the midst of all the traffic and pulls into an alley.
“Liam, they are going to get away,” I inform him, sitting up in my seat.
“Baby, I’d rather you be safe. Fuck that fucker. You’re more important and I am not leaving you alone.”
Be still my heart, he is so fucking beautiful and has the best heart. The bikes have surrounded us. My father is right outside my window, and I wave at him. He shakes his head, smiling, and waves back, and we are escorted back to the club. The gate slams behind us and Liam pulls me into the driver’s seat and pulls me out of the truck with him.. Everyone climbs off his bike, and my father runs over.
“I am fine, Dad!” I reassure him.
He lets out a deep breath but still looks concerned.
“What the fuck happened, Liam?” Kyle asks.
Liam hands over the note. “Paisley found this in her locker at work, and then when we were driving home someone shot at us, in an old fucking van.”
Kyle reads the note out loud, as Liam rubs my back soothingly. I gnaw on my bottom lip, expecting the van to pop up any second.
“You okay, baby girl?” A hand touches my arm. Dad is standing in front of me, still looking concerned.
“I’m okay, Daddy.” I smile.
He studies my face and I don’t think he believes me.
I’m just exhausted and disappointed that they are taking my work away, but if it weren’t for us, the entire town would be swarmed. This place is safer than most cities, because the MC controls the drugs and other horrible things coming through. This town means a lot to us. I grew up here, and I plan to raise my kids here. I want them to have the childhood I had, which is why this cartel needs to go.
I hear squealing tires, and I look through the gate just as that same van approaches. Its window is down and a gun is pointing right at me. I gasp loudly, frozen in my place.
In a split second I have my arm around her waist, lifting her and putting her in the truck as the gunshots go off.