“Spencer, it’s so good to see you. What are you doing here so early?” I asked, giving him my brightest and sweetest of smiles.
He didn’t seem impressed by my good humour this early. He stood there dressed in a black coat and looking like one of these Mafia dons from romance novels. Laura was one lucky bitch.
“You and Laura dodged my security last night and I was worried, so I thought I’d surprise her this morning,” he stated, obviously irritated that he had to wait for me to let him in.
He might have been the PM, but that didn’t mean I could let him through without any kind of reasonable explanation.
“If you knew this last night then why didn’t you come over when we left?” I asked.
When Spencer had found out that Laura was expecting his child, he’d started acting like he’d lost his mind, suddenly monitoring everything she ate and did. Laura wasn’t too pleased, and lately we hardly even saw each other because she’d moved into Downing Street permanently now, so when she’d called me last night asking me to go grab dinner, I was very surprised.
An hour later, she was in our old flat trying different dresses, telling me she needed to have a break from that “overbearing hot fiancé” of hers, otherwise he was going to drive her batshit crazy if he didn’t stop being so anal about her pregnancy. Apparently, Spencer had been fine with her being out last night, which I very much doubted. Still, I was grateful to have her for myself, at least for one night.
The muscle in his jaw ticked as he glared at me. I was enjoying this more than I realised.
“She wasn’t taking my calls and I didn’t want to show up unexpectedly so late. I knew that would have caused unnecessary drama on my behalf,” he grumbled.
I laughed. These two were so amusing.
“And do you think showing up here now was such a good idea? You really need to give her some space. She’s a responsible adult, and you’re treating her like she is made from glass. Take a chill pill,” I said, trying hard not to laugh.“You’re the PM, sure, but she’s her own person.”
Spencer had never been a patient man, but it seemed he realised he’d already crossed too many lines with Laura, so he was afraid to anger her even more. Smart move.
“I must admit, maybe I have been a bit too overbearing about certain things, but you’re right—”
“I’m sorry, what did you just say? That I was right? That’s impossible. I think you might have to repeat that,” I said, cutting him off while trying to contain my laughter. Yeah, I was pushing him too far, maybe because he reminded me so much of Rupert.
“I thought you were fucking leaving?” he snapped, clearly even more irritated now.
I shook my head, smiling, then I took a few steps towards him.
“Relax, Prime Minister. Laura had fun last night, and she will appreciate you showing up here this morning.”
Then I was gone, leaving him probably bewildered, but I was done with taunting him, so I quickly vanished into the bathroom. I quickly applied some makeup, styled my hair, and then left, giving Spencer and Laura well-deserved privacy while his massive agents hung around right outside the door.
I knew exactly what I needed to do next. It was seven in the morning, but I didn’t think I could wait any longer, plus it would take me some time to get to Chelsea. Nerves were already wrecking my stomach. I had no idea what to expect. Rupert was still upset after everything that had gone on between us, and I didn’t think he would believe me, but I had to try it. I was too much in love with him to let it go now.
An hour later I bit my lips, standing in front of Rupert’s door and wondering if I was doing the right thing. The doubts set in and my heart pounded, but none of that should matter now. I’d made my decision yesterday.
Get yourself together and knock.
Then I did—there was no going back from this now. I waited for several seconds, and then came footsteps. Moments later, the door opened up, and I was just about to say something, but my smile faded instantly when Rupert’s mother stood there.
“Veronica, it’s nice to see you again. Come in,” she said, gesturing to me to enter as though she was not at all surprised.Had she been waiting for me to arrive? I had no idea what to make of it.
“I need to speak to Rupert urgently. Is he inside?” I asked, suddenly getting my voice back.
She didn’t answer as we walked straight into Rupert’s kitchen, but he wasn’t there. His mother turned around and gave me a small smile, infused with worry.
“No, he’s not here. To be honest, no one knows where he is. We can’t find him, and I’m getting a little worried,” she explained, looking at me intensely.
“What do you mean you can’t find him? Did he go away?” I asked.
“He must have gone somewhere because some of his clothes are gone, and his favourite suitcase. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going or what he was planning, which is not like him. On top of that, he must have changed his phone or deactivated the other number. I emailed him, but no one from his employees and family members know where he is right now,” she explained.
I sat on a stool because suddenly my legs felt a little wobbly.
“What about his brother, James? He could track him down, but maybe Rupert needed a break, you know, after everything that we both went through. It seems like he doesn’t want to be found,” I said, dread filling me. Shit, had he left because of me?