The heat was relentless here, but the memories we’d made on The Dreamer were unforgettable.
We made love every night and planned to never stop doing that. She was mine, and I was ready to introduce her to my whole family. I also wanted to propose to her, and nothing or no one was going to change my mind. Maybe I was getting ahead of myself, but I wanted to have kids with this woman. She was incredible, and every time I looked at her, I felt joy like no other.
“I’m sorry, Suzanne, but this man is untameable. He knows we aren’t the only people on this boat,” Veronica said when the woman came back with a platter of melon slices.
She had been spoiling us, preparing all the meals from scratch, and I considered taking her back with me to the UK so she could feed us at home.
“Don’t worry, Miss Veronica. Mr. Rupert is a gentleman, and you’re in love. It’s refreshing to see such a great dynamic in a relationship,” Suzanne commented with a wink before walking away.
“She’s right. I’m a gentleman, but not in the bedroom, so now please let’s go to the cabin so I can fuck you until you’re unable to sit down tomorrow,” I said, grabbing her thighs and lifting her over my shoulder. She weighed almost nothing. I slapped her arse again.
“Rupert, food. I’m hungry, and these melons look so juicy,” she complained as I carried her towards the main bedroom.
“You can eat later. The doctor recommends fucking on the last afternoon, and I want to feast on your pussy,” I growled, throwing her on the bed. The sex with this woman was fucking great, and she had incredible stamina. It was hard for me to admit it, but sometimes I couldn’t keep up with her.
“Which doctor? I have never heard of it.” Veronica giggled when I took off my shorts, then boxers. She licked her bottom lip, seeing my hard erection.
“Stop asking questions and lick it. Come on. I know you want it, you cock-hungry whore,” I teased, clearly promising her an eventful afternoon.
“Rupert, darling, what a surprise. I didn’t expect to see you so soon since your return,” my mother said as she opened the door and greeted me with a tight hug.
Veronica and I had come back to London a few days ago, and we’d both been busy since we’d stepped back into English soil. Today she had her meeting with Katharina, and I’d decided to visit my parents. Dad needed to cash out on our bet that I’d won. I also had to speak to Matthews about the changes in the club, too, but for some reason I felt like I wanted to share my great news with Mum first. She’d been determined to set me up with the right woman since she’d learnt that Spencer was officially dating Laura, and I needed to let her know she didn’t have to worry anymore now that Veronica was in my life.
My brother, James, was due to be back from his assignment tomorrow, and I was hoping he had more information about the CCTV recordings that I had given him almost a month ago.
“Hello, Mother, it’s lovely to see you, too,” I replied with obvious sarcasm, walking into the house.
“Oh, stop it. You know I’m only teasing, but I have to say I’m surprised. I thought you were going to be too busy to see your mother, as usual,” she continued as we walked into the kitchen.
Dad was reading a paper in the lounge, so I waved to him when I passed by. I made up my mind not to see him after my serious conversation with Mum.
“I thought I’d stop by to share some good news with you,” I said, smirking.
My mother was in her late sixties, but she’d always been an elegant woman, and she was a true homemaker. In the past few years, she’d also been rather involved in each of her four sons’ lives, sometimes maybe even too much so.
She gave me a curious look.
“I’m all ears. Iced tea?” she asked, pointing at the pitcher.
I nodded.
“I officially have a girlfriend, so I think you need to stop trying to match me up with all these women because I’m ready to introduce you to her,” I said.
My mother was grabbing some ice from the freezer. As soon as I’d said that, she dropped a few cubes on the floor. I smirked, leaning down to pick it up and tossing it to the sink. She was surely not expecting it, especially from me.
“Rupert Banks, this isn’t funny. You know I don’t like jokes like that,” she scolded.
“I’m not joking, Mum,” I said. “It’s Veronica—she’s Laura’s roommate. She’s been travelling with me throughout Europe in the past three weeks, and we’re very much in love.”
I had never shared anything like that with my mother before, and as expected, she looked totally bewildered. She frowned, opening and closing her mouth, obviously lost for words. I had been a bachelor for as long as I could remember. I didn’t know why my mother was so determined to find me a wife. Maybe it was because of my childhood struggles, but who knew what motivated her?
“You’re serious?“ she asked, her voice small.
I laughed.
“Yes, Mum, I’m perfectly serious, but Spencer doesn’t know yet. I told him I was going to sail with a few friends because at the time, things were complicated between us,” I explained. “Anyway, she’s incredible, so how about dinner Sunday? Maybe I can bring her then?”
My mother was quiet, and I wasn’t really sure how to take it. She was still probably trying to process the fact that her youngest son was in a relationship with a woman. After I’d broken up with Rose, things had been unsettled and I’d partied a lot, trying to forget about the woman I’d thought I was in love with. Mum kept nagging me that I was pushing myself too far.