I was officially done with my travels and was ready to head back to London as this trip was slowly turning into a nightmare.I didn’t even get a chance to have any video sex with Rupert because I was so ill, and it seemed he had been quite busy, too.
On the fourth day, after getting a full night’s sleep, I finally felt more like myself. I exited my room. Jess lay on the sofa in the living room, texting someone.
“How are you feeling?” I asked, glancing at my reflection in the mirror.
“Good. Should we go and get some breakfast?” she suggested.
“Sure, but right after that I want to catch a flight to Palermo. I’m so over Rome,” I whined, massaging my temple and feeling sorry for myself. My stomach was empty, and I was really hungry after several days of not being able to hold anything down.
Jess got up and tossed her blonde hair behind her. She looked much better than yesterday and seemed in a good mood, too.
“I’m not going anywhere. Federico is taking me down to Positano. He has a yacht there, so I’ll go with him,” Jess announced, to my total and utter surprise.
I couldn’t believe she was ditching me for some random guy she’d just met. Clara would have never done anything like that, but I reminded myself that Jess was much younger than me and she wasn’t Clara.
“Are you sure about that? You’ve only just met him, and I thought you said you wanted us to stick together?” I asked, even though in reality, I was kind of happy that I didn’t have to constantly worry about her. Maybe it was time to enjoy my freedom.
“I thought you’d come with us. Fred said we can drive to Positano tonight and in the morning, we could sail somewhere else, maybe even to Sicily,” Jess suggested with a smile.
That was not a bad idea, and in the past few days after the party, Federico had proved to be a good friend. He even brought a doctor to our hotel room because Jess was severely dehydrated, and he took care of her when I came down with food poisoning, too, so I’d kind of warmed up to him now.
“That would be great, but I want to make sure that your boyfriend is on board with these plans because we’re meant to be in Sicily already,” I reminded her.
“I know but I feel like he might be the one, Veronica,” Jess said.
I laughed, thinking she still lived in dreamland. She’d talked about every guy she met during this trip being the one.
“All right, tell him I’m in, but he’d better have the yacht because I’ll be catching the first plane home if he turns up in a fishing boat,” I quipped.
“He has one. He showed me a picture of it, and it looks amazing. Let me call him now,” she said, sounding so cheerful.
After that, we went down for breakfast. I quickly texted Rupert, telling him about my change of plans. I was so excited that we were finally going to see each other. We’d been dancing with each other for over two years, but the wait was over now. Rupert was my guy, and once I was in his arms, naked, I’d know meeting him in Mykonos was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
I’d been really worried about Veronica. She hadn’t been well, and it seemed her friend was kind of useless. When she’d texted me a few days ago saying she’d caught food poisoning, I was ready to catch the first plane to Rome, but things were hectic here, too. Eventually, she’d talked me out of it, reminding me it was better for me to stay healthy while she recovered.
I’d been in Sicily for over two weeks now and started to get annoyed that I still couldn’t see Veronica. I was having a great time splashing with Maja in the pool, teasing Spencer about Laura, and visiting all the incredible places around the island, but I fucking missed my woman.
No point in denying it. She was mine and mine only, and I had never been more sexually frustrated than I was during my stay in Sicily. The phone sex hadn’t happened either, first because of the food poisoning and now she was on a yacht in the middle of the ocean, the signal there spotty.
I’d been wanking myself twice a day, and my balls had never been bluer.I needed to be in Veronica so fucking bad. I had to relieve myself of this frustration.
Today, for a change, Spencer insisted on stopping at this incredible beach by a luxurious hotel, and we’d been there since late morning. I’d been spending a lot of time with my niece lately. She was so smart, and I was glad we could bond in these past few weeks. Both my and Spencer’s lives in London were busy, so we never really had a chance to have so much fun like we did on the island.
I was just about to get Maja into the water when Spencer practically flew after Laura. They were with the lifeguard several minutes earlier, and I was too busy playing with Maja to see what that was about, but it seemed Laura had been hurled into the sea by some Italian dude several minutes earlier. I frowned when my brother grabbed her and threw her across his shoulder while she screamed, trying to get off him and hitting him with her fists. Luckily, this was a private beach, so there weren’t any people here to witness his caveman behaviour.
“Spencer, what the hell are you doing, man?” I called out after them, thinking he must have fucking lost his mind.
She screamed her head off as he continued to walk away with her.
“Take care of Maja and tell security down there I’ll be okay and will meet the others at the villa. I’m going to take Laura home. I think she has sunstroke! Will send the car back so you can get home later,” he said while she kept pumping him hard over his lower back, yelling at him ceaselessly to put her down.
I shook my head, thinking that clearly, I’d missed something earlier when I was swimming with Maja. It looked like I was going to lose the bet with my dad. Spencer still hadn’t shagged Laura, and time was ticking, unless he was taking her home now to do exactly that, which meant I’d fucking scored.
It was scorching today, and we’d been on this beach for ages. Maja needed a break from the sun.