She opened her mouth probably to complain, but then her eyes widened and she flew out of the car, proceeding to vomit right outside on the pavement.
“Shit, sunshine, you don’t look good, so we must try to conserve your energy and keep you hydrated,” I said once she was done. “And don’t even think about arguing with me. I’m carrying you inside.”
“All right,” she groaned as I lifted her and brought her close to my chest.
Chris hurried to open my front door. Once we were inside, I carried Veronica upstairs, then went straight to my bedroom. Despite all the alarm bells going off in my head, I wanted her in my bed. Veronica was infectious, and I didn’t want to catch any illness from her, but there was no way I would leave her alone tonight. Laura could take over from me tomorrow, but tonight she was going to stay here.
I laid her down on the bed and started taking her dress off.
“Rupert, I like you so much,” she mumbled once I leaned over to take off her dress.
I touched her forehead again. She was burning up, and the fever made her a bit delirious. I pulled up her dress and told her to lift her arms. She was trying to say something, but whatever gibberish was coming out of her mouth didn’t make much sense. Then I saw her matching violet bra and panties, the sight of which made my throat dry. There was no time for ogling and fantasising what I could do to her though. I had to bring her fever down. She was probably going to throw up again at some point, so I needed to keep a bucket close by. Doctor Johnson had mentioned she should stay in bed.
“I’ll be right back with some clothes. Just don’t move,” I told her, then went to get something she could wear. When I came back with a shirt, she was already fast asleep. I stared at her for a while, admiring her and thinking what the hell I’d gotten myself into. This woman was so different from any other I’d ever been with, and yet I couldn’t seem to stay away from her.
I left my shirt on the bed and tucked her in. I still had no idea why I’d brought her to my bed instead of one of the guest rooms. This room was my sanctuary and I had never had any other woman sleep here before. I’d fought with my ex-girlfriend over this for a long time. She could never get it why she couldn’t spend the night at my place, so what the fuck had suddenly happened to me?
I didn’t even think, I reacted, and I should be freaking out right now—but I was fucking calm. Shit, I was standing here admiring this woman who was supposed to be fucking some billionaire Arab tonight, and yet she was here in my bed.
Maybe it was a sign that I was in love for the first time in my life.
And that thought alone filled me with crippling anxiety.
Chapter Seventeen
I woke up in an unfamiliar place with a migraine from hell. On top of that, my throat felt raw like I hadn’t had anything to drink for days. Everything hurt, every muscle and joint. I shivered with cold but was also aware of how soft the sheets were. What was going on? I could hardly move or recallanything from yesterday.
For a long moment I lay there, attempting to put together the bits and pieces from before I’d passed out. I was supposed to see a rich Arab client this weekend, but then I’d started feeling unwell on the Tube. Fuck, did Rupert take me home? I remembered him saying he was going to, so maybe that was why I was here now—in his house?
After several long breaths, I looked around and lifted myself into a seated position. My dress lay on the chair next to the bed, and I was in my underwear. The room was very masculine, smelling of a familiar cologne, and when I saw Rupert’s picture—the same one I’d picked up when I’d visited him—then I knew his house was where he’d brought me.
My phone was on the nightstand, and I really needed to use the bathroom. Rupert had an en suite, of course. I had no idea how to scramble to the bathroom and do my business without passing out, but I managed. My head was banging, and I felt really nauseated. I had a bad taste in my mouth, probably from all the throwing up.
Did I get a stomach bug? Damn it, maybe it was that takeaway Asian food I’d ordered the other evening?
“What on earth are you doing, Veronica? Are you alright?”
The deep and familiar voice startled me. Rupert leaned around the bathroom door, staring at me. He was probably exhausted, and at the sight of him my heartbeat accelerated.
“Oh my God, you scared me. Now turn around. I’m in my undies.” I triedto find a towel to cover myself with, but the white one was tiny.
Rupert sighed, but he did turn around.
“Remember I already saw you naked, right, and I feasted on your pussy?” he growled.
I hissed, then managed to walk to the bed. I knew it was silly, and yes, he had seen me naked, and yes, I’d sat on his face, but that didn’t mean I shouldn’t have my privacy now.
“That happened two years ago, and we both had a lot to drink, so you probably don't remember much from that night.” I lifted my chin to prove my point.
Rupert had his hands in his trouser pockets, as usual looking like he was stepping out of a cover magazine. He always looked good.
“Trust me, the moment you screamed my name will stay in my mind forever.” He stared me from the other side of the room like he was ready to relive that moment.
I swallowed hard, telling myself to keep it together, but that wasn’t easy. Then I felt like I was going to pass out, my head pounding with dull pain. Rupert must have sensed it because he approached the bed and placed his hand on my forehead.
“Fuck, you’re running a high fever. I’m going to run you a bath because you’re shivering.” He sounded sincere. Concerned.