I took a sharp breath, ready to back off. At the same time, the door opened and a guy walked in. He flinched, then lobbed his gaze between Veronica and me. He must have noticed the bulge in my groin area, but said nothing, only shook his head and muttered something in rapid French.
Veronica moved past me and quickly vanished. I swore under my breath, then dragged my hands through my hair. This sort of thing shouldn’t have turned me on, but I was rock-fucking-hard, despite the aching balls. I was a little shocked that she’d actually followed through with her threat.
I finally left the bathroom and headed back to my table where Monica was seated. Finally, I cooled down. Veronica and her old-fart client were leaving. She gave me a glare. I smirked and imagined her on her knees, begging me to allow her to suck me dry.
“So what happened? I guess this didn’t go well since you look like you’re ready to murder that old, fragile guy she is with,” Monica said, clearly biting back a laugh.
“No, it didn’t, so let’s just leave it at that,” I answered.
Monica was my friend since her fiancé was my finance director. She knew about Veronica, and that was the main reason why she’d consented to come with me to Paris. She’d tried to talk me out of it, but since I didn’t want to listen, she’d tagged along to, in her words, save me from myself.
“Are you ready to go? I need to get out of here."
“Rupert, I know exactly what you’re going to do, and I don’t think it’s a good idea. Matthews isn’t going to be pleased when he hears about this,” she warned with a wag of her finger.
“He won’t know, and I’m not going to do anything except return to London. Eventually,” I told her. I was fucking stubborn and probably clinically insane, too, because I already knew which hotel the client had checked into.That meant Veronica would be staying there, too.
Monica opened her mouth as though she wanted to give me more advice, but in the end, she picked up her bag and stood up.
“All you Banks are the same, but you? You’re the worst,” she muttered before she finished her champagne.
“I will drop you at the airport,” I said once I gestured to the waiter to get the bill.
We were out of the restaurant in ten minutes, and half an hour later, Monica sat in my private jet, getting ready to take off to London on time, as opposed to our trip here. I don’t even know why I stayed. Maybe I was worried and jealous. Sure I was… Veronica had done this many times before, so obviously she knew what she was doing, but that didn’t change the fact that I refused to accept it.She is mine. I don’t want her to sell her body just to make a living.
Around half past nine, my driver dropped me off at the Ritz Paris. So, I went to the bar first before checking in to my room. While I drank a couple of gin and tonics, I kept questioning my actions, my sanity and self-resilience. No other woman had ever infatuated me more. Her sultry voice, red hair, and eyes were ingrained in my memory now. Forever burned like a branding on a cow.
It was time for me to settle down, but Rosie wasn’t an option anymore. Not since a certain someone bulldogged back into my life. Matthews was right. Rosie would only be with me for one thing. But Veronica … I knew she would be with me for the right reasonss. She would be with me for love, support, and definitely sex. Sex with her was the best I’d ever had. I could not think of anyone who’d get close to what she made me feel.
Technically, since returning from Greece, I’d slept around with new women almost every weekend, hoping they would all make me forget about that one night. To forget about this one woman. They were all stunning, smart, and willing. But none of them helped me get over the one I craved. I kept losing myself and longing for that connection, thinking that if I tried hard enough, it would return. It never had—until I saw her again in that club.Then it all came flooding back. Everything I felt in Greece, everything I was longing for, it was there in the form of this red-headed woman.
“I’m in room three-one-seven,” a pretty, tall French brunette said, grazing her finger over my arm as she moved past me, hips swaying in the most seductive way.
I glanced at her when she walked away. She had a killer body, and yet my dick remained flat.This was a first.
It was half past ten when I finally decided to leave the bar. I realised if I drank any more, I’d get wasted. That could lead me to do things I shouldn’t be even thinking about, like dragging Veronica out of the fucker’s room and then thrusting my cock deep into her pussy making her scream my name so the entire Ritz would know what I would be doing to her. I shook my head, smiling. I couldn’t do any of these things. I had a few drinks and an itch to scratch, but once inside the lift, I pressed floor five. Time to call it a night.
I was still frustrated and pretty pissed off that Veronica thought this whole thing was acceptable, that she could simply go on about her day like we’d never met. I clenched my fists, breathing in and out trying to calm myself, unable to get her out of my mind. The arrow lit up for the second floor, third floor, fourth floor, until the lift stopped and the door opened up.
“Son of a—”
It seemed like she was waiting for me, standing right outside when the lift opened with her hands on her hips. She looked worried but frowned when she finally spotted me, and I instantly knew something was wrong.
“Are you all right? Are you hurt?” I asked frantically, automatically thinking that something must have happened if she was going down. Then my slow brain reminded me that she was actually staying in this hotel with her agency client who was footing the bill.
“What the fuck are you doing here? And don’t tell me it’s another coincidence, because I won’t believe you.” She gave me a cutting glare. She must have changed, because now she appeared before me in a sleek black long-sleeved dress.
“I will explain everything, but first you need to tell me what you are doing on my floor?” I got off the lift and pushed her toward the wall because something felt off.
She narrowed her eyes at me again, but then her shoulders sagged.
“Well, Bruce fell asleep … and I thought I’d get a drink.” She avoided my eyes.
This was definitely not it and I tried to ignore how soft her skin felt underneath my fingers.
“Try again. You weren’t convincing enough,” I said.
She bit her bottom lip, and my cock throbbed again. This was getting ridiculous. The wind could blow while she was near and I would have a raging hard-on.