Page 13 of Viral Affair

“Veronica, what’s wrong?” Laura asked, her voice full of concern.

I wiped my tears away. Fuck Rupert and fuck his position. I was going to take that video down and forget all about him.

“Nothing. Let’s just go home,” I told her. I grabbed her hand, and we left the club.

Laura didn’t ask questions. She knew I would have told her straight away if I wanted to, but at that moment, I didn’t want to talk about anything. I wasn’t sure what to think about this whole freaky coincidence. Rupert was my new boss. And from now on, he was going to be a constant reminder of what I couldn’t have.

I woke up on Saturday morning hoping I had been dreaming, but when the sun beamed through my windows and intensified my splitting headache, I knew everything that happened last night was real.

Laura and I lived on the third floor of an old townhouse. Last night, before I got into my bed, I’d gone on TikTok and taken the video down. This morning, I woke up to hundreds of messages. People wanted to know what had happened, but I was too hungover to read or respond to anyone. Rupert got what he wanted. He was no longer online and I still couldn’t believe that Spencer-fucking-Banks was his brother. It was a huge and freaky coincidence. Laura was probably going to freak out about this when I told her. We had both gone straight to bed when we’d come back last night, each of us frazzled with man drama.

This whole thing had happened so fast, and I should have taken that video down much sooner, but it didn’t matter anymore. It was done with it. I had gained a lot of new followers, so at some point, I would need to post an update. People were still going a little crazy over everything. This viral post was my opportunity to finally become a full-time content creator.

My mother had no idea what I did, and I was hoping she would never find out. She wouldn’t understand, anyway. I had vowed to never be poor again, because that life was past me now.

Later on in the afternoon, I had a shower and got dressed. Laura had left earlier on. She said she had some errands to run. I had a feeling she wanted to avoid me this morning so we wouldn’t have to talk. I didn’t want to push her, but I suspected something had happened between her and Spencer. In a way, I was kind of glad we didn’t have to go over everything that happened last night until I felt more human. My stomach churned with hunger, and I didn’t have anything to cook. I put my makeup on and headed out to Camden Market. I felt lucky and grateful that I lived so close to it, because there were so many delicious food options there. I loved that one place where they sold their TikTok-viral strawberries with chocolate.

The owner was so sweet, and he always complimented me whenever I went in. However, since it was Saturday, the whole place was so packed I could barely squeeze through the crowds of people. As I was leaving, I got a text message from Rowan asking me to come to the club. Apparently I had to sign a couple of important forms. That man was a total workaholic.

I quickly texted him back saying I would be there in around twenty minutes. Despite everything that had happened last night, I was actually in a good mood. I made a mental note to myself to call my mum to check on her. I felt guilty that we hadn’t been in regular contact over the past few months. My mother worked so hard still. She could have retired by now, but she insisted on working longer because she always had some unexpected expenses. She had no idea that I was pretty well-off now, but she would never accept my money if I offered it. Besides, I was not ready to tell her exactly how I earned my living. She would be upset if she found out as she had always been on the conservative side.

The Emperor nightclub was located on a busy street in the next zone, and to anyone from the outside, it was just another nightclub with a bar. Rowan was discreet about the whole enterprise; he had to be because of the volume of clients he dealt with. I’d learned very quickly just how exclusive the clientele was.

I stepped inside, relieved the air-con was on as it was scorching hot in London today. I locked the door behind me and glanced around, but the place was empty. The club didn’t open until five in the evening. I suspected Rowan was probably upstairs, working as usual. I walked around the bar and then headed along the long corridor. I wanted to pick up my favourite skirt that I’d left in one of the rooms. All of the escort girls hung out in the club sometimes if we were waiting for a client or if we had to entertain someone inside. Apart from running the escort service, Rowan ran a regular club most evenings, too.

I was searching for the key in my bag, not paying too much attention to where I was going, when I bumped into a hard, muscular chest. Two firm hands steadied me. When I glanced up, I met with the most stunning blue eyes that sent a shiver down my spine.

“Veronica, what are you doing here?” Rupert asked, standing so close.

His masculine scent suddenly enveloped all my senses.

“Rowan texted me. He wanted me to sign something. But what are you doing here on a Saturday?” I asked, my voice quivering. Was it him or the air-conditioning that made my nipples perk up? Fuck, why did Rupert have to smell so good wearing a simple white t-shirt? I didn’t expect to see him here this morning.

“Matthews had some issues with the security system, so I offered to take a look. Don’t let me stop you,” he replied with obvious indifference, gesturing for me to walk past him.

What the hell was his problem? I’d taken the video down like he’d asked me to. I wasn’t planning on explaining myself to him since he’d probably seen it was down already. I stormed off past him then, not wanting to get caught up in a tit-for-tat exchange. We’d both said everything that needed to be said last night, and there was no point in going over it again. I tried not to care that he was giving me the cold shoulder. We’d fucked once, two years ago, and we didn’t owe each other anything.

I didn’t need validation from men like Rupert-fucking-Banks. I was a grown ass woman with tens of thousands in the bank and I was proud of myself, damn it.

I went to the locker room where my skirt was located. I really needed to have it dry cleaned today. Then quickly, I ran upstairs to see Rowan, relieved I didn’t have to deal with Rupert anymore.

“So, you were the mystery girl from Greece who Rupert has been talking about for so long, huh?” Rowan Matthews asked when I knocked and entered, sliding into the chair in front of him.

“He told you about me?” I asked, surprised he would bring me up. I had no idea that Rowan and Rupert knew each other so well. Yet another freaky coincidence.

“We have known each other for years, but we haven’t always been in regular contact. But you? It seems like you made quite the impression on him. Honestly, I’m not surprised. All the clients love you.” He studied me for a long moment. “Did you manage to smooth things over last night?”

“No, we argued and then he left. I took the video down last night … like he asked. He’s also not too pleased that my roommate, Laura, works for his brother, Spencer. I mean, all this is a huge coincidence—even you have to admit that!” I massaged my forehead where a pounding headache threatened to erupt. “By the way, did you manage to figure out how Laura got that phone call? I presume I was supposed to be the one escorting the PM that night?”

Rowan’s eyes darkened and something passed over his handsome face—surprise maybe—but it was gone again in a flick of a second. I couldn’t really tell what I saw.

“I have no idea who made that phone call. I need to get to the bottom of this whole situation. Also, let’s just say that from now on, you won’t be going anywhere near the PM.”

“Of course. Honestly, I’m kind of glad I never had to be one of his girls,” I muttered, and then narrowed my eyes on my boss. “Wait? Are you saying this because of what happened with my roommate or because that’s what Rupert has decided?”

“Veronica, don’t ask questions like that. I already sense trouble and I don’t fucking want any of it. It’s bad enough that Spencer Banks is involved in this whole thing,” Rowan growled, then pushed the papers towards me. “Sign this, please, and let me deal with this mess.”

I was just about to open my mouth to argue, but decided against it. Rowan was right—this was a hell of a mess. If the press even sniffed this story, Emperor would be finished and so would the Bankses. I signed the papers and left. Rowan’s eyes were glued to the computer screen. He was already stressed out enough so there was no point in carrying on with this conversation.