“Spencer Banks, where do you think you’re going?” I demanded, standing way too close and trying to be intimidating. In reality, I was short and he barely noticed me.
He needed to give Laura some space because he had clearly upset her. She was simply enjoying herself in the club with me, this wasn’t her work time. His brows drew into a frown as he glanced at me, and damn, even in the dim light of the club he looked like a god who’d come down from Heaven himself—he was so freaking hot. We’d only met once at a very important event, but I doubted very much that he remembered me. I didn’t feel any pull towards him, and he was very handsome, but I never saw him as my type. Right then, he was completely rilled up like he was ready to push me aside just so he could follow Laura.
“Do I know you? Listen, I need to find someone and you’re in my way,” he snapped at me and was just about to move past me. But, I moved again, blocking him.
“Listen, pretty boy, I’m not moving anywhere. I’m Laura’s roommate, and right now, I’m looking out for her. You will not follow her,” I took a step closer and got a waft of his aftershave.
The music in this place was very loud and I wanted to make sure that his attention was on me. This wasn’t working. Spencer seemed distracted, glancing around, so I poked his chest with my finger as hard as I could to make sure he was listening.
“What the hell was that all about on the dance floor?” I demanded from him.
“I was trying to protect her. You shouldn’t have left her with that sleazy guy out there.” He sounded pissed off, probably because he had no idea who I was. He probably never had to explain himself to anyone, ever.
I laughed and rolled my eyes.
“She didn’t need my protection, and that guy was perfectly all right. I vetted him myself. Laura came out because she needs to let her hair down and shag a hot guy. So, Mr. Prime Minister, mind your business and forget about her until Sunday when she is back on duty,” I said, a bit louder than I intended to.
Damn, his chest muscles were like steel. He was probably a total beast in bed, but when we’d met a few years ago, there was clearly no chemistry between us Even then, I thought he was very obnoxious by the way he spoke to me. He probably didn’t even remember it.
He smiled at me and then grabbed my finger; I was poking him hard and it must have hurt.
“I’m the fucking head of the country and I can ruin your life with one phone call. So, back off because you’re getting on my nerves! Laura is my business. What she does may have repercussions,” he growled, trying really, really hard to come across as scary and intimidating. But really, he had no idea who he was dealing with.
I dealt with guys like him on a daily basis and I didn’t mess around. Add my friend into the mix and you’re making a volatile mixture. I didn’t bloody care about his position or the fact that he could ruin me, because I was trying hard to protect Laura.
“I don’t fucking care if you’re the King of fucking England, frankly. Laura doesn’t want to talk to you, and that’s final. Stop messing with her. She doesn’t want you, she only needs the job—”
“Veronica or Valerie? Is that you?” someone else asked, dazed almost.
That voice instantly sent a shiver down my spine. I looked over Spencer’s shoulder, wondering if I had drank way too much. Rupert stood right behind him. I did a double-take because I then noticed Matthews right next to him. There was also a third guy who was huge and he appeared pretty annoyed. This was the most bizarre fucking experience in my life, and I wasn’t sure what to do. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down.
“Oh, hi, stranger, long time no see. I guess you saw the video. It kind of … went viral,” I said briskly, but my voice trembled. “What a nice surprise. What are you doing here?”
“How the fuck do you know my brother?” Rupert sounded uncharacteristically enraged.
A tonne of bricks cascaded down to my stomach.
Did he just say brother? No, this can’t be right. It’s a joke?
“Rupert, Veronica is one of my girls, and I think everyone has seen the video. It has millions of views.” Matthews was tense. He glanced at Spencer.
“Rowan and you … hmm, you’re the Rupert,” I quickly said, and then to calm my fucking nerves, I winked at Spencer, not even knowing why. “Okay, one thing at a time. Can you all give us a moment? I really need to finish talking to Spencer here, first.”
“She works for you?” Rupert asked Matthews in an outrage.
I was so shocked at that moment that I stopped paying attention to the Prime Minister who then took this opportunity to vanish and I continued to stare at my boss and the man who I’d been trying to track down for the last two years.
“She works for both of us. Veronica is the girl who missed the meeting because she hurt her foot?”
Chapter Six
“You’re fucking kidding me, Matthews?” I shouted, feeling like I was going to smash something in a second. My head was suddenly banging and every muscle in my body felt rigid with tension. I glanced from Matthews to the girl who’d been haunting my dreams for the past two years. She was working for me, as an escort? This was fucking impossible. It was a fucking joke. This all had to be an alaborate fucking joke that they are all playing on me. From the TikTok to Spencer storming to his nanny to Matthews acting like he hired the one girl that I have been searching for for two years! Or, could they all be playing the long-con?
“Man, I’m sorry, but no, I’m not joking. I had no idea that she was that girl from Greece. She must have given you false name then,” Matthews looked uneasy.
She was even more beautiful than I remembered. Her wild, fiery red locks tumbled in untamed curls, framing her face with an irresistible allure. A short silver dress accentuated her figure, teasing a glimpse of her bronzed, sun-kissed legs. This rippling energy between us was pulling us to each other. Right in that moment, I was willing to ignore all reason, grab her by the hand, and drag her back to my house so I could fuck her all night long, again.