Page 37 of Hitting the Gap

There really was no point in Bailey getting into who she was or wasn’t with some random fan, so he nudged her back to encourage her to move forward. Gonzo turned to the guy. “You have a great night.”

“Yeah, you too.”

“Did you see that? I just fucking talked to Gonzalez.” The guy’s voice carried from behind him, quickly followed by the sounds of hands slapping. Gonzo inwardly winced as several of the slaps made that sad little sound of an awkward connection. Guess the one he had with the guy was just a fluke.

Bailey glanced over her shoulder and smirked at him.

“Shut up,” he muttered. Pressing his fingers against her lower back, he guided her toward the pool table area where Jenna had said Pete would be.

After several more pit stops for congratulations, they finally made it to the table. “Holy shit, it’s busy in here already,” he said as he pushed a couple of stools away from the pub-style table. Bailey climbed onto one stool and he slid onto the second.

“I already ordered a pitcher,” Pete said before he turned to Bailey. “So, Bailey, I’m trying to figure out why you’ve been friends with this guy for so long. He’s a bit of a —” Pete scrunched up his face.

“Haha, asshole,” Gonzo mumbled.

“What can I say? I felt sorry for him and then he just kind of stuck.”

He shifted in his seat and faced Bailey. “You felt sorry for me? Come on now.” He flicked his finger against his shoulder like he was brushing it off. “I was king of that town. Homecoming King, to be exact.”

Bailey shook her head and smiled sadly. “Pity votes, all of them.”

Pete snickered from across the table. “I knew I was going to like you.”

“Glad one of us does,” Gonzo grumbled.

“Oh, don’t pout,” Bailey teased. “You know I love ya.’”

The server set down two pitchers of beer and a bunch of glasses. “Thanks, Danny,” Pete said.

“You good with beer or did you want something else?” Gonzo asked Bailey.

“Beer’s good.”

Kendall grabbed the stack of glasses and was pulling it toward herself when Peyton and Ryan walked up. “Keep pouring, Ken,” Ryan said as he pulled out a chair for Peyton, then pushed her up to the table before he sat down in his own seat.

Peyton squeezed Bailey’s arm. “I’m glad you came.”

“Yeah, now we can properly grill you.” Kendall rubbed her hands together gleefully.

“Oh, goodie.” Bailey’s fake smile made him chuckle.

Growing up, she hated being the center of attention and as far as he could tell, she still did, so her career choice always struck him as a little odd. Standing up in front of hundreds of people giving a lecture ensured she was the center of attention every day. Somehow she felt it was different, which he never understood.

“How are you liking San Diego so far?” Pete asked.

“I haven’t really seen too much of it yet, but I’ve got lots of time to explore.”

“Gonzo said you’re a sociology professor.”

“I am, yes.”

“Cool. Gotta admit that is not my wheelhouse,” Pete said. “I’m more of a hands-on kind of guy.”

Bailey smiled. “I won’t hold it against you.”

“There’re classes happening now?” Ryan asked.

“There are, but not ones I’m teaching. My classes don’t start until September, so I have some time to get to know the city before I start work.”