“Yeah, I can. “
“So trust him until you learn to trust your own judgement again. He’s always had a good bullshit meter. Hell, he hated Brad on sight. I always thought it was because he was jealous, but maybe he picked up something about him we missed.”
Bailey snorted. “He definitely wasn’t jealous.”
“I don’t know. You guys have always had this weird thing between you.”
“It’s called friendship.”
“Mmm-hmm. Well, I think there’s always been something more to it than that. I mean, you practiced kissing your pillow, pretending it was him.”
“Oh my god, I was thirteen, let it go already.” She laughed.
“I’m just saying the best way to get over someone is by getting under someone else is a thing for a reason. And I can’t think of anyone better for you than Gonzo. You know you can trust him. He’s anti-relationship, so you know it doesn’t mean anything. It’s perfect.”
There was no way she could have meaningless sex with Gonzo. If they ever had sex, it would mean everything. How could it not? At least for her. “Gonzo would never have sex with me.”
“Interesting that you said he’d never have sex with you, not that you don’t want to have sex with him.”
“Good lord. Can we please stop talking about this? Gonzo and I are friends. End of discussion.”
“Fine, but I think you’re missing a great opportunity,” Jen grumbled. “What’d Mom and Dad say about you living with Gonz?”
“Haven’t talked to them yet. So far, you’re the only one who knows.”
“Oh my god, Deanna’s gonna be scandalized.” Jen laughed.
Bailey’s mouth turned down as she thought about talking to her oldest sister. They hadn’t talked since she’d broken up with Brad.
“Have you talked to her since you hung up on her?” Jen asked.
“No.” And Bailey sure as hell wasn’t going to be the one to call. Her sister had been a bitch and until she said sorry, they had nothing to talk about.
“I’m sure she’ll call once she hears you’re living with a boy. She won’t be able to help herself,” Jen said.
“Probably.” Bailey could almost hear the lecture that would come out of her bossy siblings’ mouth. “I can guarantee she won’t be telling me to climb Gonzo like a tree.”
Jen snorted. “Probably not, but she should, because that’s damn good advice.”
“Eh, is it though?”
“Trust me, it is, and you’re an idiot if you don’t see it,” Jen said.
Oh, she saw it alright. She had no doubt sex with Gonzo would be amazing, but that was one line they’d never cross. Nor would he ever want to. Thinking anything along those lines would only lead to her getting hurt, and she’d had more than enough of that to last a lifetime.
“So what’s Gonzo’s place like?” Jen asked.
“Swanky.” Bailey wandered into the living room and snapped a photo of the room that also showed the ocean view and sent it to her sister.
“Holy shit. I know you and you’ll be thinking about how you need to find your own place as quickly as possible and all that, but damn, if Gonzo had let me stay there, he’d have to forcibly remove me from his apartment. I’d be claiming squatters right and I’d hunker down for the long haul. That place looks amazing.”
“Yeah, it is. Gonzo’s been super cool about everything. He said he’s barely here during the season, so no rush on finding my own place. I think I’m going to take my time and make sure I find the right apartment.”
“Gonzo has always been one of the good ones,” her sister agreed. “I’m gonna let you go. I love you. I’m here if you need to talk anytime, you know that.”
“I do yeah. I love you too.”
“Give Gonzo a big wet kiss from me,” Jen teased.