“Always.” He winked at her.
She flicked on her blinker and followed the signs for airport departures.
“Just park in the drop off area,” Gonzo told her. “Not much point in coming inside since I’ve got my ticket. I just need to dump my stuff and head to security.”
“You sure?”
She pulled the car up to the curb behind the line of other cars dropping off.
He leaned over and kissed her. “Just cuz I said you didn’t have to come inside doesn’t mean you don’t have to get out of the car,” Gonzo told her. He pushed open the passenger door.
Bailey hopped out of the car and met him on the sidewalk.
Gonzo set his bag down, then wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him. “That’s better,” he said. His hands trailed down her sides until he cupped her ass. “Mmm, couldn’t do that in the car.”
“I had to get out of the car so you could grab my ass?” She laughed.
“Absolutely.” He squeezed her ass again. The way he touched her made her feel like there wasn’t a damn thing wrong with the size of her butt. Quite the opposite, in fact.
“Well, well, what do we have here?” a male voice said.
Gonzo glanced toward the newcomer. “Sims,” he said, but didn’t unwrap himself from Bailey.
Bailey looked over at the amused look on Brandon’s face. “Hi, Brandon.”
“Hey Bailey. Looks like you two finally figured your shit out,” Brandon mumbled. “See you inside, Gonz. I’ll let you get back to it.”
Bailey buried her face in Gonzo’s chest and giggled.
“What’s so funny?” Gonzo asked.
“You didn’t let go of my ass the entire time he stood there.” Even now, his fingers clamped around her butt cheeks.
“Yeah, so?” He kissed the side of her neck. “I’m not going to see you for a couple of days. I gotta fill up the bank.”
“Oh my god, you’re filling up the spank bank here?” she screeched.
Gonzo snorted. “Bailey I’m appalled. I was talking about getting my fill of touching you.” He sounded scandalized, but the amusement twinkling in his eyes gave him away.
“Haha,” she mumbled.
“But yeah, filling the spank bank works, too.” He chuckled and squeezed her ass again. “Okay, I think I’m good.”
“You’re a pervert,” she told him.
“Yep.” He pressed a kiss against her lips. “Do you want to cop a feel before I go? Don’t want to leave your spank bank empty.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
Bailey snickered. “I’m good, thanks.”
“Your loss,” he joked. He threaded his fingers through her hair and cupped the back of her head. “Thanks for driving me.”
“Anytime,” she mumbled as she waited anxiously for him to kiss her. His lips touched hers, softly at first, then he deepened the kiss. Bailey moaned and wrapped her arms around him tightly as she fell into the kiss. When they finally broke apart, they were both breathing hard.
“That’ll have to hold me over,” he said, then pressed one more firm peck against her mouth. “Gotta go.” He dropped his arms from around her and stepped back. “See you in a few days.”
“Good luck,” she told him.