Page 28 of Hitting the Gap

Brandon sputtered out a laugh that he tried to cover like it was a cough. “How long have you been roommates?” Brandon asked. The attempt to change the subject made Gonzo chuckle. The guy didn’t even know Bailey and he could tell she was about to go on a tear if Charles kept talking.

Bailey took one last look at Charles and shook her head, then turned to Brandon. “I just moved in on Thursday. My apartment fell through and Gonzo was nice enough to let me crash here till I figure things out.”

“You just moved here a couple of days ago?” Brandon asked.

“I did.”

“That’s cool. So are you two…” Brandon pointed his fingers back and forth between them.

“God no.” Bailey laughed.

“Cool, well if you need a tour guide let me know,” Brandon said.

“Thanks.” Bailey smiled.

Gonzo’s shoulders tensed. He wasn’t loving the way his teammates were looking at Bailey. His gaze landed on her legs, her very naked legs. He made a rough sound in his throat.

Bailey glanced over at him, then down at her legs.

She winced and a blush ran up her cheeks. “I’m just gonna go throw a pair of pants on.” She hopped up and dashed out of the room.

Gonzo pinned his teammate with a glare. “What the hell, man? What are you doing?”

“What do you mean what am I doing?”

“You don’t date girls like Bailey.” Gonzo challenged.

“Nope.” Brandon shrugged.

Nope? What the fuck did that mean? Was he interested in Bailey or not? Before he could ask, Bailey walked back into the room. Shit, how much had she heard?

She was going to be pissed if she thought he was blocking her from getting dates again, but he couldn’t stand the idea of her dating one of his teammates. Gonzo held his breath as Bailey sat down beside him. What was she going to say?

“Do you guys hang out a lot?” Bailey asked Brandon and Charles. Gonzo breathed a sigh of relief that she hadn’t heard him talking to Brandon about asking her out.

“No, not really,” Brandon replied.

Charles looked at Gonzo and smirked, then turned and leered at Bailey. “So, how do you two know each other?”

Was the idiot seriously going to flirt with Bailey when he’d just made it clear to Brandon he didn’t want that shit happening?

“We were next-door neighbors growing up,” Bailey replied.

“Oh yeah? That mean you played doctor?” Charles waggled his eyebrows at her.

Bailey’s mouth twisted in disgust. “Seriously?”

“What?” Charles snickered. “Please tell me you weren’t like fucking childhood sweethearts who stayed friends or some shit.”

“We weren’t, but what would be wrong with that if we were?” Bailey pressed.

“Because my opinion of Gonzo would go down a lot if you were.”

Gonzo sat up straight and leaned forward. Where the fuck was he going with this? “Oh yeah? Why’s that?”

“I’ve seen the kind of ladies you pull.”

“And?” Gonzo’s shoulders tensed. It wouldn’t be pretty if he said anything to insult Bailey.