Page 14 of Hitting the Gap

“Yeah, it was interesting when they got together. But I couldn’t imagine anyone better for him.”

“So Ryan’s sister and I’m assuming one of the other women is Ryan’s girlfriend?”

“Yeah, Peyton. She’s cool, really sweet, barely swears.”

“Seriously. And she hangs out with you guys?”

“I know, right?” He chuckled. “And Kia is Smitty’s girlfriend and Max’s mom. And she tries to keep it clean because of Max, but it just doesn’t happen most of the time.”

Bailey smiled. “Now, her, I might be able to relate to.” She pursed her lips out like she was trying to decide.

“It’s not that complicated, Bay, it’s a ballgame. You used to love watching them live. Come on, you know you want to.”

“I can come watch you and not sit with your friends.”

“Why would you want to? It’s way more fun to sit with people. Trust me, you’ll like them. This isn’t like when I made you sit with Ozzie’s girlfriend at home opener first year of college. She was a bitch.”

“Oh my god, she was awful.” Bailey shuddered. “I didn’t think girls like her actually existed in real life, until that game.”

“She was unhinged too. Did I ever tell you what she did to our dorm room when they broke up?”

“No, what’d she do?” Bailey leaned forward, her eyes wide as she waited for him to talk.

“She took stalking to like a whole new level.” That woman was the reason he didn’t bring a girl back to his place the entire first year of school. He’d been terrified to have anyone know where he lived. “Having her show up everywhere we went was concerning, but fuck…” He shuddered. “The first time Ozzie brought a girl back to our place it was whole other level whacked. Somehow, she got into our apartment and took a shit on his bed. Then there were fucking used tampons stuck to the walls.” Even now, just remembering it he felt nauseous. “Disgusting. That chick was disturbed.”

“Oh my god.” Bailey recoiled. “How’d you know it was her?”

“She wrote this fucked up message on the mirror. I don’t know some kind of inside joke or some shit.” He cringed. “To this day I still don’t know how she got the key to our place since Ozzie swore he didn’t give her one. It was messed up.”

“Geez, that’s…” Bailey shook her head. “I don’t even know what to say about that.”

“It was fucked up,” he said.

“Obviously,” she agreed. “I thought she was just a bitch, but wow, she had some mental health stuff going on.”

“I guess that’s one way of looking at it.” He shook his head to clear the memory. “But I promise my friends are nothing like her.”

“Well, geez, I would hope not. My god.” Bailey laughed. “You sure know how to sell it, Gonz,” she teased. “My friends are nice, they’re normal, trust me, they don’t take shits on people’s beds, you’ll like them,” she tittered in a goofy high-pitched voice then flopped back against the side of the tub holding her belly as she laughed.

He snorted. “Shut up. I wasn’t doing a sales pitch.”

“Oh, okay, Gonz,” she mocked.

“Shut up.” He flicked his hand in the water and sent a spray toward her.

“Gah,” she squealed when it hit her in the face. Glaring at him, she sat up, narrowed her eyes, and held her arm above the water like she was going to hit him back.

“You don’t want to start that shit, Bay,” he warned.

“Don’t I?” Her hand sliced into the water, sending a tidal wave toward him. The spray hit him square in the face.

“Oh, it’s on.” He sat up and pushed water toward her as she shoved it back at him. He turned his head to avoid the worst of it in the face.

Bailey squealed and began rapid-fire hitting her hands against the water. He pushed off the seat toward her. The spray pelted him in the face. He reached out and grabbed her arm, yanking her toward him. Off balance, her body collided against him, and he had to adjust his weight to keep them from toppling over.

Wrapping his arm around her waist, he held her captive against his side with one arm as he used his other to flip water at her. Bailey squirmed against him. And he wrapped his arm tighter so he didn’t lose his hold. Her ass dragged across his dick as she wiggled.

Suddenly, he became very aware of the fact that he had a half-naked woman squirming in his arms. The fabric of their bathing suits was not nearly a strong enough barrier to keep his dick from firing to life.