Page 119 of Hitting the Gap

“It wasn’t actually as hard as I’d thought it would be.” And it wasn’t. There hadn’t been a doubt in her mind that he would appreciate the gesture. He’d proven to her every chance he got just how much he liked her body. He made her feel safe. “No one has ever made me feel as sexy as you do.”

He shifted on the couch. “How about you let me show you just how sexy I think you are.”

“You always have sex on the brain,” Bailey teased.

“Can you blame me?” He squatted and pulled her with him as he adjusted his back against the sofa. Bailey straddled his lap.

“Not really no.”

Gonzo grinned. “Right answer.”


Getting traded was bittersweet. He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t stoked about the contract, but it sucked that he wouldn’t be playing with his friends anymore.

Gonzo looked around the room at his teammates. They’d had a good run.

It was strange that this was the last time he’d be in this bar as a home team player. If he ever came in again, he’d be on the opposition. There’d be no more chanting his name as he walked through the place. Emotion clogged his throat.

Bailey rested her head on his shoulder. “You doing okay?” she asked.

“Yeah, yeah, I’m good.” He kissed the top of her head. “It’s just kind of weird, especially since Pete’s staying. I’d expected him to go someplace else as well.”

“The team won’t be the same without you.”

“It’ll definitely be different.” They’d been so close to winning the World Series again this year. It sucked that they hadn’t been able to pull it out in the end. It would suck even more if they won it next year without him.

“Any regrets?” she asked.

“Fuck no. San Diego couldn’t compete with New York.” He pulled his attention off his teammates and focused on her. “What about you? You sad you won’t be teaching anymore?”

“I’ll still be teaching, just differently.” Bailey’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “I still can’t believe I’m going to be working at the flippin’ UN. That’s insane.”

“Meant to be,” he replied. He still couldn’t believe it had all worked out the way it had. When New York made the offer, he and Bailey had talked long and hard about taking it, even if she didn’t have a job. There’d never been a contract in the league like what New York had put on the table. Only an idiot would turn it down.

As soon as Bailey put out feelers, she’d had multiple job offers in her area. When she’d said being asked to speak at that conference was like the World Series in her field, he hadn’t really grasped the reality in terms of her career. The offers she received made it very obvious. His girl was a big fucking deal in the world of gender equality. And her being offered the UN job had been like a glowing neon sign that moving to New York was the right move for both of them.

“Agreed.” She leaned in and pressed a kiss to his mouth. God, he loved this woman. He couldn’t imagine making this move without her.

“Alright, you two, enough of that,” Pete interrupted. “You guys can play kissy face when you get home. This is our last night with the whole team together. We’re not wasting it watching you two make out.”

“Disagree, playing kissy face with Bay is never a waste,” Gonzo replied.

Bailey patted his cheek playfully. “Awe, aren’t you sweet?”

“Anyway.” Pete rolled his eyes. “We all know how Gonz feels about his embarrassingly big contract—”

“My contract isn’t the only embarrassingly big thing about me.” Gonzo waggled his eyebrows.

“Gross.” Pete pretended to throw up. “But how are you feeling about the move, Bailey?”

Bailey placed her hand on his thigh. “I can’t wait. I know when the possibility of a trade first came up, I didn’t handle it well. But now I’m really excited to see where this next chapter takes us.”

He squeezed her hand. When she looked over at him, he smiled. “Me too, babe.”

“Bailey,” Kendall said, pulling their attention away from each other. “The girls and I were talking and thought we’d fly in with the team when the Hawks play in New York. Would you be down for skipping a couple of the games and taking us to a show or something? Assuming it’s baby friendly.” Kendall rubbed her barely visible baby bump.

“Absolutely, I’d love that,” Bailey replied.