I haven't been the mate Freya has needed, ever. But fuck, if I don't step up now, I won't just keep failing, I will become a failure.
Focusing like my omega's life depends on it, I sift through the tethers vibrating in my chest, to the one that's lightly flaring with fear and pain. I pluck it from the darkness I've abandoned her to and pull my omega's bond to the forefront.
Breathe through it, Ray.
I try to be encouraging by pushing my thoughts to my beautiful mate while imagining she's standing in front of me. I picture rubbing my hands up and down her arms to warm her up as I keep my lips pressed to her aching temple.
I ignore my disappointment when I don't feel anything back from her after a few moments of attempting to soothe her through the bond and keep going.
I'm here, Freya. Deep breaths.
Then my chest tightens and releases like I expelled a sob of relief. Except... it wasn't me.
It's pretty damn shocking to hear her in my mind, but I can't dwell on the complexities of a mating bond right now.
'I'm here now, Ray. Lucas has you, we're coming. Just focus on me, okay? Deep breaths, relax your muscles as best you can.'
It will have to be enough for now to soothe her as best I can. If she keeps herself loose and calm, she won't hurt so much from being thrown around by the aggressive driving I can imagine she's being subjected to if our drive is anything to go by.
Freya's whimper is followed by a wave of appreciation that I hold tight to my heart.
The time for self-hatred will have to come later. I have an omega to take care of.
Chapter Thirty-Nine
If there weren't guns pointed at me and Kate, I think I might have lunged for Ken the minute he started yelling. I swear this weird ass van is meant to make his voice echo to enhance the torture that is traveling with him.
I don't think I've stopped pleading for Lucas to come get me since we officially made contact. What breaks my heart is I can't even appreciate the feeling of my mate through our bond.
Every wonderful experience of becoming an alpha's omega has been stolen from us and this is no exception. Figuring out that rumors of fated mates being able to communicate telepathically should be cause for celebration and yet, here I am, desperate to hear him in person once again.
"Sir, I don't know what's in that direction. We could run into anything if we go off the roads we made!"
Making eye contact with Kate, I think we're feeling both excited at the prospect of possibly running into a snag deeper into the woods, but also a bit terrified. I have no clue what's out here. Cliffs, collapsed trees, steep hills... Who the hell knows?
Ken's arms flail in my peripheral vision. "DO IT!" His demand is punctuated not only by his scent spiking in rage, but by the clicking of his pistol.
I'm nibbling on my lip in worry while keeping an eye on the other guns flailing about in the rumbling vehicle when I'm thrown sideways into the wall. Blood fills my jaw before I register the stabbing pain blooming from my right temple.
"Shit!" Kate hisses, righting herself before helping me back into my seated position beside her. Hugging her arm to her chest, Kate glares at the back of Ken's head.
"Control yourself!" one of the burly enforcers snaps at us, making my head throb harder.
I'd like to see them control themselves if they were thrown about on the bed of the fucking van instead of in their nice bench seats hovering over us.
Through the bond I feel Lucas' worry spike, followed by a bunch of curse words that are projected hard enough they reach my pounding brain.