Page 31 of Met Your Mate

A small nod releases a tear from her eye as one slips from my own lashes. As the drop splashes her porcelain cheek, her eyes flutter closed, and she goes limp in my hold.

The only thing left to do is follow her because what I didn't allow my omega to see was how much of a liability I am too.

So I fade away with her, leaving my body to do as the doctor says.

He wants control, but I won't let him touch either of us. I'll disappear for a while, maybe even forever, if it will keep my mates safe.

It will always be them.

Chapter Twenty-Six


Lucas convulses on the ground. Casey shouts beside him, trying to get to his new pack mate. Ronan chokes on a gasp, his legs buckle, but he stays standing as what I assume are shocks ripping through his body.

I'm stuck between fearing Casey is next and unable to drag my attention away from the glass wall. The bond is a flurry of my pack's pain and alarm, but beyond that, is a beacon of hopelessness and heartbreak. Freya.

While I'm trying to sift through the tethers tying my soul to four people to reach my omega, Ronan is released from the electricity wreaking havoc on his nerves.

It's either me or Casey next. Peeling my gaze away from the glass, I lock eyes with my beta. He's shaking, tears tracking down his freckled cheeks, and I can't do fucking anything to help him.

We wait, the sounds of the alpha brothers labored breaths as background noise. But the painful zaps of an electrical current never come.

"Wonderful! Bravo, gentlemen," Ken's voice echoes through the speakers in the ceiling.

Casey flinches, making a snarl crawl its way up my throat and my alpha side lunge forward. The overpowering guilt I've been wading through is suddenly not a fucking issue anymore.

I'm awake now, and truly seeing Casey for the first time since Freya's heat. I've locked myself away, drowning myself in guilt that festers beneath the surface of a renewed protective rage.

I'll kill him. I'll fucking kill Ken.

The heavy door we entered through clanks and opens, letting a few people in scrubs walk through with a handful of enforcers.

Ronan and Lucas shiver and hardly notice as the group of doctors removes the cords from our bodies. I can't hold back my growl, but I refrain from trying to kill anyone right now.

We need a plan.

I keep watch on Casey while he twists about, trying to keep an eye on everyone in the room with us. Soon there's only three enforcers and one woman in blue left behind after the door slams shut.

The speakers crackle above, but it doesn't hide this whirring noise coming from the glass wall. My eyes widen as it begins to rise, even though I fucking knew something was off about it. Who the fuck has an all mirror wall?

I don't know what bullshit Ken has to say now because I'm too focused on each inch the mirror uncovers.

First come multiple sets of feet, and what seems to be bottoms of tables, but what makes my gut twist are the four sets of wheels attached to metal posts. Bedposts.

Then another set of feet, yet these are bare and pale, followed by thin calves and thighs I would know anywhere.

"Freya?" Casey's voice wobbles as he realizes who the naked person in the bed is. "Oh my god," he gasps.

Lucas curses, but I don't care to check on him or his older brother right now. All I fucking care about are the leather straps binding my mate’s ankles, wrists and forehead to the inclined bed.

"No," Ronan rasps beside me.

I'm slow in cataloguing everything wrong with this moment. The cords stuck to her head come next, and it takes me a second to register that the machines around her are tracking her brain activity.

There's a heart monitor beeping somewhere too, but I'm now lost in the sickening depths of her blue eyes. Once bright, are now dull and sightless.

"Freya," I choke out and swallow. "Freya, look at me!" I yell with more force than the emotional storm inside of me wants to allow.