Freya's tantalizing scent spiked as the door swung closed behind me. Now there is no sign she's aware of anything around her. On bare knees, my omega sits hunched over her thighs, the only sign of movement being her shallow breaths.
"Ah, so we can learn," Ken praises, going so far as to give her a big smile.
Who the hell is this guy?!
I know what these people are after now thanks to Beckett and his big mouth, but Ken seriously needs to get checked out. Everything about him screams delusional.
"Alright, so here's the deal, ball boy." I snarl at the fucker’s nickname for me. I am more than football. "Your little mate needs a cock and a bond to survive the next spike, which is starting right about... now!"
Okay, I knew that. I knew this was happening, but there is no way to prepare for it as I'm left locked alone in a hospital looking room with my mate. My mate who lets out the longest, most heartbreaking whine once the lock clicks and we're officially alone.
I gulp, feeling my jaw tick and all my muscles bunch. "Freya, sweetheart. Can you look at me?"
She shuffles on her knees. If I had known it would take something as small as seeing my girl’s knees bright red against the fucking tile to set my alpha off, I would have had a tighter grip on my instincts.
But I didn't and I don't.
Faster than I've ever run for a football, I burst toward my mate with a snarl ripping from my throat. Black spots force my focus on my omega, who's now in my arms and pinned between my heaving chest and the walls.
Chains. Wrists. Ankles.
Must fix.
"Alpha," my sweetheart pleads and wiggles.
I blink, shaking my head loose of the alpha urges trying to distract me from what Freya truly needs. "What do you need, sweetheart?"
Speaking is like forcing gravel through my throat, but I'll suppress my murderous and protective urges for her.
"You. You, Alpha. Knot, knot, knot." With each word, her hot little pussy grinds against me, her slick soaking through my pants. "BITE!"
Do everything she asks.
Chains. Bruises. Cold. Fever. Shivers.
Ignore everything else.
Needs a cock and bond to survive.
It's the only way.
I squeeze my eyes shut and rest my head against Freya's overheated shoulders. Just one moment. I just need a second. So many voices are roaring through my brain, but only one matters.
I snap my head up, eyes widening at my name on her lips. Locking my gaze on hers, I watch fascinated and terrified as her eyes flicker between lucidity and a sexy, lusty haze.
A half smile graces her lips. "Please, Lucas. I want you." Then a fire lights in her eyes and her lips curls in a snarl. "Need you!"
At her pure omega snarl, I descend into madness. Madness coated in slick and love bites. My knees slam to the ground, finally giving my mate the leeway with the chains to wrap her legs around my waist.
The dark spots are back and my alpha surges forward, vicious with the need to please our mate. To soothe her. Give her orgasms, force her pert little body to writhe on mine until she's wrung so far out that nothing matters but every fevered touch I give her.
My cock is out and bobbing with need. Perky, pale breasts are arched to the ceiling. Her pussy fucking convulses and tries to suck my three fingers deeper, then slick coats my entire hand.
Vanilla chocolate explodes on my tongue, the urge to taste her explosive cunt too hard to ignore.
Why would I ignore it? She's mine. This omega in mine.